
I think he’s taking the term “getting wood” a little too literally...

Oh my Dad...

They have sex?

I’m telling you...

On point!

Money doesn’t buy taste.

Ben Carson is Donald Trump’s symbol of his jealousy and anger at Obama for outshining him in every way and making black people look good, so Donald had to hire the stupidest black man he could find to prove that adage of how blacks can never be “superior” to whites. That’s the “soft bigotry of low expectations” Bush 2

Just fucking people affected by housing laws.

That image of the him and Jesus in bathrobes is now making sense... jfc.

Email in full from FOX news contributor who just quit to his colleagues. He was no saint but truth is good medicine. (Thanks to WTFJHT).

This is a good take and all, but all I have to say is that this desk LOOKS like something you would write Dracula on. Do those tiny panel paintings have dismembered bodies on them or no?

I suppose it makes sense when you consider wild flash orgies that may occur at any moment in any location of the office. They can vary in weight between 600 to even a 1,000+ lbs worth of people.

You are probably right. I must’ve read that number somewhere involving these stupid spendings of taxpayer money.

Isn’t it a $5k limit? In any case, you can get a really nice dining room table set for that much.

Yes, but not at the same time.

Even if you take the “these sort of spaces should be furnished with very long term, antique pieces, because they become part of the historical record” view of public offices, you could get something under $10,000 that’s 200 years old.

I honestly was imagining a table that seated maybe 20 people - like a giant conference table.

To be fair, you need a pretty sturdy table to fight off a man with a knife at Popeye’s.

Was it REALLY that hard for this guy to stay below that $12k limit? If he had done that, this story might not have ever happened. It still would have been a stupid expensive set of dining room furniture, but it wouldn’t be a story.

I’d consider that the very uppermost limit for someone in public office. If they truly need a dining set in the first case.