Drugs are really, really bad! Unless you’re the POTUS and all hopped up on diet pills that keep you up all night and makes you nervous and impulsive.
Drugs are really, really bad! Unless you’re the POTUS and all hopped up on diet pills that keep you up all night and makes you nervous and impulsive.
Wow, he’s actually following absolutely shitty anti-drug policy that’s been proven to do less than nothing, at best. This is the very definition of pissing money away, but what does he care..
This is evidence that Trump is so mind-bogglingly stupid that he hasn’t yet figured out how to NOT watch commercials.
No, see, last time they didn’t do it right, sad! But Trump knows “the best people” who will make “great commercials” that “show how bad drugs is” “believe me”. They’re going to spend a lot of money, okay, and it will be tremendous. NO COLLUSION!
Same. It’s safe so long as you don’t mess with the yolk! I heard of a guy who messed around with yolk, and now he’s melted on the floor!
As usual, Trump brings a spoon to a pizza party
“A total WITCH HUNT with massive conflicts of interest!”
Don’t give Putin any credit for that: Fox and Friends have been terrible people for years all on their own.
Could someone remind this turd that kids aren’t the problem here? Age groups 0-24 represent less than 10% of overdose deaths in 2016. So yeah, his wonderful idea of resurrecting D.A.R.E. won’t accomplish shit.
“an uppity Negro midget.”
I just can’t get enough of that sweet, sweet ova. I think the kids are calling it Shells these days...
looks like someone here is in the pocket of big egg.
Ugh, I’ll buy the egg; you get the frying pan.
“It’s bad for the kids”...LOL, that’s our flabby-rumped teevee-addicted leader, once again proving that he’s on the same intelllectual level as an eleven year old. The freakish gasbag doesn’t even understand what “opiates” are, you could fill half a thinble with what he actually “knows” about the problem and still…
Never mind those racist incompetents — the bumbling Texas state police in denial, at least, about how bad this is really going to make this look in hindsight regardless of how racist we already know they are, are running around down there with tape over their mouths.
3 bombings and the idiot in chief is twittering his happiness over firing a career fbi guy and Beauregard is locked up in his Keebler tree.
Well bless his heart.