
“No offense” like it’s sister “just kidding”, always following something utterly shitty that’s 100% meant to be offensive and definitely isn’t a joke. Do they think it’s like a magic eraser? No one can hold me accountable, I ended my horrible tirade with a JK!

“No offense, of course, but....
Good ol’ dope smokin no step on snek III% mental defectives. I am surprised she didn’t add God bless, or I’ll pray for you.

The Roofs, the Roofs, the Roofs are on fire, we don’t need no water let the motherfuckers burn.

Like all these morons she doesn’t even have the courage of her horrible convictions: “You’re all dumb and black people are stupid BUT DON’T NOT LIKE ME, EVERYBODY!”

“No offense” she added. What a fucking piece of garbage. Sheer and utter ignorant white trash. Whenever people have to say “no offense” to something, that means what has been said is offensive.

Well it’s not well it’s not a big surprise his sister would be as much of a racist piece of s*** is he was. You would think that any family that he still had would be making an effort to legally change their names to disassociate themselves from him. I know that, if I was related to him, that’s exactly what I would be

The turds don’t fall far from the assholes.

I didn’t know he had a sibling. What she said enrages my spirit. Wishing that the kids that walked out would get shot speaks to how racist she has clearly been raised. I sincerely hope she is able to be reformed, but sadly, that’s hiiiiighly unlikely.

Clearly these parents have no idea how to raise a Roof.

One of my biggest pet peeves is when people do this shit and it’s riddled with spelling and grammar errors. If you’re going to be racist or an asshole, the least you can do is get rid of the low hanging fruit that I will use to make fun of you. Let me get to making fun of you for being a racist!

Lol at her putting “no offense” at the end there. CPS, come get this child.

She can’t spell, she’s racist, and she’s using social media to spout nonsense. Remind you of anyone? #covfefe

I see the garbage doesn’t fall far from the dumpster.

I’m sure Trump thinks people are as stupid as he is in some demented form of projection while he think’s he’s the verile paragon of masculinity and intelligence

What I don’t understand is why he would be so proud of it. Just how does he decide that this makes him look good?

90's buzzword - Business fundamentals.

Eh, dummies are gonna dumb. I was several weeks into boot camp when one of our drill instructors blew up on someone who kept saying “Marine Corpse.” Trump is our first ASVAB-waiver President, and those guys historically have issues with spelling.

UK Update:

Today’s Code 45* is dedicated to the brave and committed young people who walked the hell out and demanded that the so-called adults smarten the fuck up. We don’t know for sure, but this felt like a real moment today. We’re not going to go so far as to float the idea that it’s a “turning point”, but we’re comfortable

Peak Trump.