
What the hell is Rick Santorum thinking here that CPR will help people riddled with bullet holes?

You hit it right on the head.

That first picture made my blood boil.

I like the cut of your jib...šŸ˜‰

She is the spitting image of her grandmother. Itā€™s as if Martin Luther King Jr has come back to life.

Yes! WTF was Rick Santorum thinking?

Trumpā€™s running away to Mar- a- Lago instead of being in Washington DC today speaks deafening volumes.

Yes, youā€™re right. These are the people who look forward to ā€œthe Raptureā€ so they can ā€œescapeā€ to their ā€œheavenā€ leaving the rest of Earth to die and theyā€™ll be living in Paradise forever.

No more Code45?

No more Code45?

Yes from column a, yes from column b, yes from column c.


Then itā€™s ā€œHEā€™S ANTIFA SOCIALIST!ā€

I love peach ice cream. Donā€™t ruin it for me!

Right. He was just mentally ill.

He stopped himself with a bomb, so he became a good guy stopping a bad guy with a bomb within the same body.

Bringing a table to a knife fight?

I think heā€™s taking the term ā€œgetting woodā€ a little too literally...

Very accurate.

Oh my Dad...