
They have sex?

I’m telling you...

On point!

Money doesn’t buy taste.

Ben Carson is Donald Trump’s symbol of his jealousy and anger at Obama for outshining him in every way and making black people look good, so Donald had to hire the stupidest black man he could find to prove that adage of how blacks can never be “superior” to whites. That’s the “soft bigotry of low expectations” Bush 2


Yeah, that was me.

Trump is Fox’s only friend and Fox (I mean KTA Kiss Trump’s Ass network) is Trump’s only friend. Dante doesn’t even have a circle for that kind of spinning hell of them kissing each other’s asses.

*scratches chin*

You are right on the point. One hundred percent.

He acts as if male teachers don’t have just as much to worry about as the women teachers. If you don’t see the sexism towards men in that, you’re willfully blind.

So let’s just forget about the male teachers who don’t want to carry in schools and insinuate old stereotypes, as if he’s never heard of Annie Oakley before.

You also can’t spell America without R-A-C-E.

Ah ha ha ha!! 😅

Bruh, come on, I just ate dinner...😫

I’m DEAD 😅😅😅😅

Was just thinking about that Black Panthers situation.


Excuse me, but has this damn fool never heard of Annie Oakley?