

I’m really out of fucks to give about Trump’s TwitterTantruming - All it shows is that he’s sweating/melting because the heat is turning up on him. He’s flailing, acting like a toddler, calling names, outright lying - I say let’s let him hold that rope and let him hang himself with it. Because as they say, you can’t

Chuck Woolery?

Very, very true.

I’ve known about Trump for over 20 years and he looked butt-ugly back then.

Where do you work, a frat house? 😊😉 Or a soap opera set?

Yes. Yes.

Oh hell yaaahh. They got smacked the fuck downby RiRi! 😅😍 You go Rhianna! ✊✊

That was his reasons for running - he wanted to take his circus from the Hollywood stage to the Government, and it looks as much like a shitshow as his reality shows. It’s all about promotion for his brand. He’ll do anything for publicity, good or bad.

I’m glad I’m not the only one thinking that Trump is starting a lot of this shit himself because actually being a president is boring, especially when you have no damn clue of HOW to be a president and refusing to learn how. He spends, like, 65% of his time making fake news and the rest playing bad golf at Mar a Lago.

Where can I get a copy of that, Hollylujah?

The worst thing about the Trumpsterfire is, the more shit you throw on it, the more it enjoys it and creates more flames which lead to more flames to need fuel for so more shit gets thrown on it leading around and around in a circle of never ending flaming horror spinning like a fire.

Well gee, Trump’s lawyers, as slimy as they are, sure are miles smarter than him. “They’re afraid he’ll perjure himself” I say let’s let him sing, he will anyway.

I’m DEAD 😅😅😅

“The gun accidentally discharged...”

I love your username because it’s a perfect description of what is happening with the White House. No one knows whether they’re coming or going. It’s Wetzels gone berzerk.

And then TrumpyBoy went to the potty so he could tweet!

Hey, I’ve been saying since the beginning that this Trumpsterfire is “The Apprentice DC Chaos Version”. Running America into the damn ground just like everything else in his life.

I pictured you saying that in the Niles voice and stance and spit out what I was drinking. 😅😅😅

You’re terrible 😊