
Preach it!


Oh stop it y’all 😊😊😊

👍👍👍👍👍You have the magic.

I’m all for that! I hate periods, they make me feel like shit and they are painful! I had to have surgery because of polyps that were making my periods a hell of irregularity, heavy and painful bleeding and weight gain. I’ve already had all the kids I want to have (1 beautiful daughter) so there’s no need for me to

*bumping chair rhythmically

No, no , no, don’t you see? These are RedBoxes because they’re run by the Chinese!

Lofl!! 😅😅

Community mental health centers are the best thing for these people, not hospital like “facilities” like they had before - it’s just a way to warehouse them and say “we give up, let’s toss em away”  Of course people with mental illness aren’t perfect. But stuffing them in “facilities” will further dehumanize them and

Oh, hell yeah. I like your idea. If you’re using paintballs, make sure they’re red so you could see how he really reacts. Will Trump faint at red paint like he does with blood?

😫😫😫Comeon, I’m trying to eat breakfast here!!!

You know, sometimes I think that really is Alec Baldwin playing Trump, because the idea that Trump, the same bone spur faking, afraid of stairs and blood pretzel brained fool, the idea that he would have “gone in... even without a gun” is the comedic relief I need right now. I’m laughing so hard I’m crying. Trump


*spit take 😅

Not to mention a fucking LIAR

Sometimes I wonder if that is really Alec Baldwin playing Trump, because the comedic relief on this is what I needed today.

Trump flipping on the police is the most interesting thing I’ve seen come out of this. Mr. “Respect Police Or Else” is now calling cops cowards. That’s what you should expect from a forked tongued pretzel brain like Trump.

THANK YOU. Gads I’m so sick of Trump’s blabbering. He doesn’t know what to do or what to even say or, by his Cliffs Notes for Feelings cheat sheet, how to feel emotions, it’s obvious. He’s like...a malfunctioning Russian bot.

Or, she’s hysterical...