I love your idea. I say that if the government won’t fund it, maybe crowd funding might. I hear too many excuses fron the government why it can’t be done, but with the shitshow the government is now, we might have to take it back to Main Street with community faith and nonfaith organizations, clubs, create places for…
My daughter is in kindergarten. Fuuuck NO I don’t feel comfortable with her kindergarten teacher having a gun in her class! I hear too many stories of little kids being killed because they found a loaded gun and played with it.
What pisses me off is that there’s a dick measuring contest in the first place. Arguing over the cop’s reaction is pointless distraction like trying to decipher Trump’s pretzel brained double talking forked tongued non-responses.
Dead on. But you know how projection works.... Trump is the Projector in Chief.
“Appearing on the same ABC news show Sunday morning, [David] Hogg said, “ ‘What I want people to know is, look at Dana. Look at what she is saying. Is she actually saying anything, or is that just a tone to distract the American public and distract her NRA members from the fact that she’s not serving them? She is…
People crying “HE SHOULD HAVE DONE SOMETHING!” are the same ones that will blame that very cop if he’d have shot the wrong person.
“In God We Trust” is on our money for one reason - because MONEY IS the god we trust!
Black majority cities are just a dried up old red herring talking point.
Oh, the usual “Lookit Black Cities” dried up old red herring.
We have a winner!
LOLOL. You make me think of a time when I was a kid and I had this doll who’s eyes I’d taken out, leaving empty black holes.
Excellent response to this “Buy More Gun$” NRA bot. They always try to redirect the conversation with the whataboutery of “drunk drivers” or “drowning deaths” or whatever they want to use to deflect.
Learn the difference between regulation and complete confiscation. You love to use this scare tactic all the time to get people to buy more gun$.
These NRA $hill$ talking about how “libbruls use tragedy for gun control” sure love to use tragedy to scare people into buying more guns.
The NRA constantly blurs the line between “regulation” and “confiscation” in order to stoke the fears of the people so they can $ell more gun$. Get people scared of Big Mean Ole Libbrul Guvmint “taking their guns” will stimulate more gun purcha$e$.
Hey, I certainly don’t blame you for being confused.
That’s the exact word to describe it. Ouroborous.