
LOL. The LaPeeEre!

Because we blame Islam for terrorists. Anyone with a middle eastern sounding name who gorges on bacon and drinks like a fish is automatically branded a Muslim terroist, so the NRA should expect to get this kind of blowback. They dish out stereotypes, they should be able to take being stereotyped.

“Laziest generation”, new code for “waa waa life is hopeless let’s not try”

You must be one dehydrated person crying about how things will never change.

Nope. Because America just loves the drama of their kids getting riddled with bullets.

“Let’s not help, just bash on the internet.”

Oh, skipping school for one day makes someone lazy.

So watching their friends get killed is just so kewl, right?

“$ELL MORE GUN$! $ELL MORE GUN$! beep BOOP beep Big Guvmint Libbruls trying to take them away so we’ll be unsafe! Arm all kids! Arm everyone! Beep BOOP beep /bot/ $ELL MORE GUN$!”

Ohh lookie another bot with a malfunctioning fake brain!

Yes, I agree. They do have to directly confront those fuckheads at Fox.

A sad place. A very sad, dark place.

“Hair furor”. LOL like what happened to Fucker (er, Tucker) Carlson, who nearly lost that possum toupee he wears when he was debating gun control yesterday with that gentleman? The more the other man laughed at Tucker’s obvious hysteria the more hysterical Tucker got. He was pretty much barking by the end of it. It

“stable genius”


If if was my child, I’d be so proud of her for standing up to idiots. Who gives a fuck if they’re a senator - a shithead is still a shithead even if the shithead is senator - or president.

I absolutely loved watching Rubio - and Trump - squirm in their seats as they are getting confronted in their smarmy faces by REAL Americans. How long will these weak ass NRA whores continue to delude themselves in the face of an America that has had it up to HERE with their shit?

“Stop blaming the NRA”


Sadly, you make a relevant point.