
It makes me cry enraged tears. Just what the hell is in these idiots’ minds? What has caused this ugly phenomenon of Conspiracy Crazies jumping at every single opportunity? Drugs?

It breaks my heart and enrages me that victims of any mass shooting or attack are always branded as fake plots by the government by these wackos. I hate that these kids have to deal with a bunch of insensitive dumbfucks who are basically doing their own form of bullying and stirring up more bullshittery in an already

Trump needs a script written for him for everything.

They gave him the rope and he hung himself with it..

So they want thought police after all even though they love to crow about first amendment rights and how all the snowflakes should stop being offended by words?

Reality Show Presidency.

Trump is truly a pretzel brained double talking lying hypocrite.


Right!!! Who needs Cliff’s Notes on feelings? It’s like he needs Dr. Seuss or something. “This is Mad. This is Sad. This is Happy.” He is like a damn toddler. It’s so...Sad!

Trump’s the leading Russian bot.

#DickHead D’Scumshit needs his ASS BEAT!!

FUCK this motherfucker with a rusty jagged pole!!!

Nothing Trump says can ever be taken seriously.

Somebody. Needs. To. Kick. D’Scumshit’s. Ass.

No. No no no.

Fucking #DickheadDScumshit! FUCK HIM!!! That fucking piece of SHIT! 😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠

I feel you. It was yet another day of me trying not to smash my phone into the wall or put a hole in my TV. I need my hands to be in good shape for voting.

That bald faced outright lie is reason #umpteen why Trump can’t be looked at any other way but a psychopath. He’ll continue to lie in the evidence of truth.

“But but but the Democrats didn’t do Nuthin!” - Trump

I’m surprised HuckaBucketBot hasn’t exploded from the cognitive dissonance errors.