
But if Werdz Don’t Hurt, why would punctuation?

I couldn’t agree with you more. Each new tweet Trump has made has sunk lower and lower into just plain... evilness. Trump has to go before his dementia completely takes over - if it hasn’t already.

Believe me, the Crazy Conspiracy Train arrived right on schedule.

Goddammit, Trump is a STUPID IDIOT.

Absolutely yes, he has turned the White House into The Apprentice DC Chaos Version. It looks like the Bad Girls Club.

That’s Trump’s selfish world.

Hahahaaa. Those Florida kids better keep ripping Trump a new one.

“I hope Oprah runs so I can ‘humiliate her’”. - Insecure Trump.

Well, if Trump wants 8 years he’d better get used to the majority of the world hating him.

Exactly. Spot on.

You nailed it right on the head.

No, think about it. I think karma is working.

Well let’s just see how well insulting students who went through a tragedy works for Trump in 2020.

Then why didn’t Trump stop Nick Cruz if he’s so smart? He had a whole year, but he spent the whole thing being obsessed with Hillary and his blaming and hating Obama obsession.

But in the same breath he foments mistrust in the FBI “They’re no good they make up stuff like that Russian Hoax!” Why would you want people you don’t trust in the first place to do anything?

Oh boy, ever since those indictments Trump’s crazy has been going into overdrive, like he’s downed too many of these mango Arizona energy teas. It’s the Dems! It’s Obama! It’s the FBI! It’s media! He’s just all over the place!

The problem is that crazy people never think they’re crazy and people do feel the same way Nick Cruz does. If the FBI or police had done anything it would be a violation of Nick Cruz’s first and second amendment rights, and you can’t force mental health treatment on anyone. Nick Cruz just was the eye of a perfect

According to Trump’s latest tweet, Trump does want to take guns away, because he’s holding the Democrats responsible for the very gun control legislation he and his supporters don’t want.

Donald Trump said Democrats are at fault for no gun control legislation, so it’s him parading himself around these kids blaming people for something he and his supporters don’t want in the first place.

So let’s give up and go do more nothing and people will continue to get killed in mass shootings. Hell, 100 people could all be shot down and we wouldn’t bat an eye.