
So what’s wrong with taxes going to help with gun control? Would you suddenly quit your job so you wouldn’t have to pay taxes for something you don’t want?


“Beep boop beep Oh bew hew democracy doesn’t work anyway beep BOOP beep DON’T VOTE ERROR ERROR KA BOOM!”

Beep BOOP beep Russian Bot malfunctioning

Beep BOOP beep Russian Bot malfunctioning

So the lesson is, never try, because you’ve tried nothing and you’re all out of ideas.

Or the cognitive dissonance of believing brown skinned American citizens with guns are so scary that they should have their second amendment rights taken away.

Soooo why would Trump want federal gun laws now?

It’s Trump’s way of stirring up mess, Real Housewives style. Trump likes to sow confusion in his own way. He got his ideas for running a country from the producers of reality television, but he’s doing what he learned all wrong and it looks more like The Bad Girls Club.

Cold dead hands of the conservatives who don’t want gun control would definitely backlash, like they’ve been doing before- except when brown people have guns, then they’re all about gun control - for everyone except themselves.

Talk about shooting oneself in one’s foot! Cold dead hands folks won’t be able to resolve that one without some heads exploding.

What will you bet that he’ll deny he wrote that tweet?

Yes, I love it too, Trump showing the obvious flip flopper he is to the world.

The 25th amendment needs to be invoked on Trump. He’s clearly lost his mind here, clearly contradicting himself, flip flopping all over the place.

Trump needs to be removed. He is clearly suffering from dementia.

Oh, you’re really malfunctioning, just like a bot with a fatal virus.

So what exactly have the Republicans done besides screaming “MEAN OLE LIBBRULLS DON’T TAKE MUH GUNZZ”?

Beep BOOP beep Russian Bot Alert ERROR ERROR

The old “we’ve tried nothing and we’re all out of ideas” excuse coming from your crowd has long since worn thin. Now you want to quibble about the type of gun to stir up more bullshittery blaming the Democrats while you would scream about how meeean the libbruls would have been to violate Nick Cruz’s first and second

Are you Trump’s speech writer spreading this screed around? Or one of those Russian bots?