
If I could smack the shit out of those idiots ...

Exactly what I have been saying to the “why didn’t they stop him” people!

“Then he has the audacity to use the 17 dead as shields to be petty with the FBI and make it all about him. He cannot stand it if the nation’s attention isn’t on him 24/7.”

^^i was just going to say that those may be bots. Russian troll farms are spreading like, for lack of a better word, a virus. They’ll be posing as Tongans in a minute.

Goddamn it, I really, really fucking hate Donald Trump.

Goddammit, I really, really fucking hate Donald Trump.

But I thought it was Hillary that helped the Russians help Trump win...

Trump is the leading example of what I call pretzel brain syndrome.

I had to get off Facebook for a while for that very reason.

Alex Jones, the conductor of the Crazy Conspiracy Train.

He’s going to gather his paid crowd with their uniform of MAGA hats and the camera at such close range it will look like a big crowd instead of the tens of (paid) people who are actually there.

Not even 24 hours!

Unfortunately their cries will just fall on deaf ears as gun nuts go WAA WAA WAA DON’T TAKE MUH GUNZZ LIBBRULS!

You’re my oasis right now, Jezebel. I had to switch over to you from Facebook before I hurled my phone at the wall and smashed it

Exactly what I feel. Dividing people by what food they may eat is just another wedge issue.

You’re the reason I don’t go around assuming that political labels make the person.

Sad but true. Those people are so turned around... But the thing about “voting against your own best interest” is definitely holding true with Trump minions.

People also wrongly assume that the “$15 steak” is for just one meal and don’t realize that steak can be chopped up and divided into several meals combined with grains and vegetables (Stroganoff, fajitas, in gravy with potatoes, stir fry)

You’re absolutely right about homemaking classes being cut, as well as shop classes. They started shutting these down in the early 1990s in my school district and I was disappointed that I didn’t get to take home ec because it had been eliminated. SMH...

The same people who abhor Big Guvmint want to use that same Big Guvmint to spy on people they don’t like.