
“Huckabot” was in ERROR mode today

HaHAAA!!! YES! 😂😂😂

Trump is a shithead with shit coming out of his shithole anus looking mouth.

I’m just wondering where the hell they found someone who is a cross between Sarah Huckabee Sanders and Sean Spicer. It’s uncanny!

Yeah, I just got through watching that, too, on CNN, watching Trump defending this creep repeating himself saying that same bullshit over and over again. I’m going like WTF? Trump doesn’t give a damn, hell, Trump prefers to hang around raping, domestic abusing trash. Hey, takes one to know one, right? 😠.

Was the assistant Stewie Griffin?

Is goat cheese good? With what crackers or bread and meat? I love procsiutto on a soft cheese.

Slap me because I thought Gouda was goat cheese. 👋

Funny. I was born in early January and the interesting thing about the sign of Capricorn the Goat is that it’s associated with the devil. Saturn was called Satan, or the Tester.

I hate that fucking Trumpy Bear commercial. Every time that shit comes on, I hit mute or change the damn channel.

How ironic that they hate ISIS while wanting exactly the kind of world destruction that ISIS wants.

Good observation. Sad! Trump’s a flip flopping opportunistic snake.

Why can’t someone just take that bloated motherfucker by the fucking neck if they can find it and shake his head till that straw on his head comes flying off, slap the shit out him and say SHUT THE FUCK UP DUMBFUCK! It’s getting harder and harder every day to take Trump’s bullshittery each and every day. Trump is a

I had one child and would have more if my body and finances would allow. I just can’t prescribe to this notion that human’s future is so bleak and hopeless that we’ll deprive ourselves of the future we say we want to improve. I will always know that we have the choice whether or not to make the world better or worse,

^^^Does that look like Sinbad to anyone else?

LOL at Beetlejuice on PCP

Oh, right, Obama was such a disaster you chose to stay in America instead of escaping to other countries like you lied about.

Here’s KrazyGoat’s rant.

Wh...wh.... what the fuck are we doing letting these ILLITERATE DUMMIES run our country into the ground???? 😬😬😬😬😬

William Shatner? /:|