
Or, some troll stole a respectable member of Jezebel’s handle. Their tactics are getting more elaborate.

Dammit, you beat me to it. Take your star.

Hey, I agree.

I’m sorry but I have to go with Hot Take on this one.

You know, I wish she’d fired this sexual harasser as soon as this woman came forward. Hillary blew it here, and this is going to follow her as much as her election loss. I don’t regret how I voted, but if she ran again I probably wouldn’t vote for her if a better option was available.

Trump is the definition of a “whirling dervish”. He’s like a tornado, leaving destruction wherever he touches down.

It’s getting closer... people who are so isolated in the”reality” they create they will staunchly believe obvious lies are true.

Well... glue IS white, right? /S

If the people he’s playing to are not present, that makes me very concerned about his mental capacity.

This is people, literally, creating their own “reality”. Maybe people seeing what they want to see and hearing what they want to hear is as old as people, but I worry about the emergence and use of cheaper virtual reality devices for more of the masses. Will people’s ability to literally create a different “reality”

I agree. Trump is sooo phony. HE’S fake news!

“Mueller once worked for a law firm that had represented Jared Kushner, Trump’s son-in-law.”

“You can’t just lock her away....but if she was a POC you could shoot them in the back and kill them!”

They keep releasing this crazy bitch just for her to keep doing this same thing over and over. What is it, is someone inside the system paying her for this? This is infuriating.

Oh yeah, the morning sickness 😫


Ahahaha 😂😂😂

I’m so sorry for what you’re going through, I understand why you’re irked. Please take care of yourself.

*sobbing at the unfairness of it all* that is so incredibly sad.

This part - the whole morning sickness thing - is what I think has ruined my appetite for the last 5 years ( my lil girl is a feisty kidnergatener). Being nauseous all the time just makes any kind of food just unappealing, and I lived off saltines and ginger ale so much that now I avoid ginger ale as much as I can.