
You could consider the Shithole in Chief a walking, talking cancer, so there’s that... -I-

Don’t laugh at me guys, but I am a huge fan of Seinfeld reruns and my favorite character has always been “Elaine”.

Except for the ones we want to use as cheap labor or sex toys.

This whole “Dems forgot the unskilled workers exist” line is a bunch of poor-me bullshittery.

You are a damn liar.

One fish two fish

YES! Stealing!!

Oh, shut the fuck up.


Cuz we need em to raise our kids, pick our produce, wipe our parents asses in the old folks home, clean up after us, be our maids, our sex toys, our tech support, while Real Muricans work their Real Jobs, didntcha kno? They’re our slaves!

Oh, stop blubbering when the process of immigration is a ridiculous broken down antiquated machine of red tape.

I mean Trump was just joking when he said he could shoot someone in the middle of 5th a not lose supoort, right? Nice wordplay here, riiigghhht?

Hey hey heeey, that’s just Locker Room Talk! Words Don’t Hurt!

Galaxies for you! 🌌🌌🌌

“Stop calling us sexist, racist, etc”

I think we sold out of Kleenex from all the crying because America DARED to elect someone non-white.

Gee, makes me wonder why all those people didn’t flee the country after Obama got elected, like they threatened to. I guess it’s all right for Obama- haters to gnash their teeth and wail at mere black skin, but a disastrously incompetent overgrown brat is just A ok.

“Poorly functioning”.


This orange thing who is currently in the white house is a motha fucking joke.