
Thank you for sharing. We need to hear about when cops do things right too, so we all don’t go crazy and so the other dumbass cops can learn.

I hate that we’re supposed to worship the ground cops walk on for “risking their lives every day” when they do nothing beyond shooting people immediately threat or no threat. What risk?

Recently at the library where I work we had a younger black man get his phone stolen, and he was angry about it to the point of storming around threatening to get a gun and shoot people, decapitate the person who stole the phone with a knife, and other threats of death and grievous bodily harm. There were 4 security


Personally, I loved the cop saying “We run tags all the time, that’s how we find out if cars are stolen... Oh this car I’m driving isn’t my car.”

There’s a tag! God, pissing contest was great. I think they lost heart after the election.

Jezebel used to have something similar, a Friday night open thread called “Pissing Contest” I think. I don’t know why they got rid of it, it was like SNS but with a theme, things like “worst behavior you ever saw at a wedding,” “most embarrassing thing you did while dating your now-spouse,” (I don’t know if these are

Yeah, I feel like if you bleed onto your chair or pants or whatever, the normal visceral reaction would be embarrassment. Not because a teen mag told you to be embarrassed by your period, but because thats normal! Like same if you peed your pants! The column probably helped actually, so you could think - Oh thank god

Haven’t read the article yet but I remember the story from the picture there about the little kids who caught their cousin making out. Suddenly I heard Tori Amos and could smell My sisters CK One. I can still feel the inflatable arm chair sticking to my ass. Oh the anxiety I felt when my knock off drug store giga pet

Hmm. I think it’s great that they don’t want people to feel embarrassed about periods. I guess I always just read it in a “thank God this stuff happens to other people, too” kind of way and never felt like they were trying to make me feel embarrassed, though I can see how I would read it that way as an adult. But I

Menstrual health is a passion of mine, and I’ve long wanted to launch a project that builds educational chhaupadi centers where Nepali girls and women can go through shark week in safety and comfort.

There was an article posted about this movie a while back on Jezebel and someone commented that the name felt too generic. They said it would be like “If James Bond was called “Brunette Spy Guy”” and I have no idea why it’s stuck with me. I whisper “Brunette Spy Guy” and laugh everytime I see anything about this

But finding a male lead in his 20s who can act and sing has proven difficult — especially since the studio wants someone of Middle-Eastern or Indian descent 

But finding a male lead in his 20s who can act and sing has proven difficult


Context matters and this was a really terrible choice. I suspect it didn’t start that way, but that’s really how the sculpture garden is used, so it morphed with it. They set-up mini golf there in the summer.

Thank you for that perspective. I didn’t realize that. I usually welcome controversial art, but if this structure was art-as-playground, it would seem to trivialize any of the self reflection amongst white people that the artist seemed to want.

One thing I feel like is missing from these comments and the article. Is that the sculpture was pushed as “part playground.” Can you imagine installing a replica of a Nazi crematorium in the same way and not consulting any Jewish groups?

Maybe a lot of this is due to the commentators picking on the noveltnovelty factor, I.e. it’s girls not guys so automatically this is a cat fight, not just trash talk. A lot of this could be low hanging fruit for uninspired commentary. Perhaps we should be asking the why they are framing things this way. Like audio