
Just another bad apple I suppose:

This comment made me laugh.

It’s kind of bad in another standpoint: this appears to be the ONLY text on this skin, making its appearance even stranger.

I’ll bet her text conversation was really a safety call - as in, she had an arrangement with her friend where she would text the friend if she felt unsafe during the date, and the friend would contact her with an “emergency.” A lot of people make this kind of arrangement for first dates.

Thank you! He clearly is an unstable, creepy dude and she was clearly scared of him and thus, understandably, decided to make a run for it. She probably txted her friend to ask for advice and maybe try the “my friend needs me!” excuse to get out. Since he apparently then lost his shit over her txting she fled.

Based on this guy’s INSANE overreaction and creepy AF efforts to track her down to get his money back, my guess is the date had already been going horribly and she was looking for a way out. I can’t believe there are responses on this thread saying they’re equally shitty people. She texted in a movie; he is contacting

I totally support that! Just doing my due diligence.

(The hosts of My Favorite Murder have not returned requests for comment.)

This is what fascists do. This is fascism in action.

Because quorum rules dictate that someone from the democratic party has to cast a vote, either yes or no, for the nomination to move forward. If no democrat shows up to vote, then the nomination doesn’t move.

And I think that when you sit here and you realize the sacrifice the guy made, leaving a very successful business because he really cares about this country,

You don’t even need to do anything. They can literally just make it up and say you did resist arrest. Its the most BS charge in the book. My personal favorite is when they charge someone for resisting arrest but nothing else. Like, why the fuck were you trying to arrest them in the first place again?

thats definitely resisting arrest...and definitely not a hate crime.

34-year-old man in New Orleans was reportedly the first to be charged with a felony hate crime in the state after he damaged property and yelled slurs at cops.

That we are being told by people who spent the last 8 years questioning Obama’s ‘legitimacy’ and accusing Hilary of running pizza pedophile rings to ‘respect the office’ and ‘get over it, we won’ is perhaps the most bizarre aspect of this whole thing.

I wish I could say I was shocked, but I’m not. Resisting arrest is a blatantly stupid charge because, let’s be honest, if you’ve got four officers pinning you to the ground and using strikes and possibly a baton on you, you’re going to move from pain, from being restrained, from having your airway cut off, etc.

The most alarming thing in that conference, he keeps affirming the president thinks this is a M-F, possibly 9-5 job and that Friday wasn’t his first day of work.

The password to his Twitter account.