

Apparently it does. There's a particular strain called "Charlotte's Web" that was developed specifically for these kids - it has low THC but has higher levels of something called "CBD", which seems to be what reduces the seizures. The University of Colorado is starting a study:…

I agree. I wasn't making a comment on the hospital's negligence.

You know... I hope she wins.

Well, yeah, I think that's to be expected. It sounds like there's some good evidence her employer was negligent, and she had to deal with weeks of hospitalization, the emotional distress that comes with knowing you might die, and what sound like long term consequences to her health.

I'm so happy for Zephany's parents but I wonder how Zephany feels. The Guardian article didn't quote her and I can't imagine how hard it would be to find out the people you thought were your family were actually your abductors.

I am in a listicle mood today, so:

I remember reading some interview she did years and years ago where she mentioned her dad taking her on a surprise trip to Paris one morning and I people actually do those things?

whenever someone says that ("would you like fries with your order") as an insult to demean someone I cringe
what the fuck is wrong with having a job. that comment is so fucking classist and gross. get over yourself

The best man sounds like the title fit.

I know I'm naive and I can be extraordinarily pollyanna sometimes, but I just don't believe that he got this from the film (or the books). I legit don't believe anyone is that stupid or that easy to influence. He probably said it was because of FS0G because he thought it would help him get off or get a lighter

However, if this guy want to try outrunning a fireball or picking a fight with six drunk Marines he has my full support.

I knew she could sing, but when I realized she was totally hitting ALL of the Julie Andrews notes, my jaw dropped.

Everyone is being pretty polite here and while I understand you feel attacked, I need you to understand something. It will help in every interaction you have in the future on kinja:

I'm a law student and just came back from Dilley, Texas, where I was one of the first pro bono legal representatives for the women and children detained there. If you are as outraged as we are, please consider helping out our newly formed non-profit, which will help these women post bond:

Was anyone else one of those uber-sensitive kids who ascribed feelings to their toys and stuffed animals? I used to play with all of my toys on a rotation because I was afraid of hurting their feelings. I kind of did that with my clothes too - I would feel guilty if I didn't wear my red shirt for a while because I was

Plus it's directed by a woman - Shira Piven. So if you're interested in supporting women filmmakers here's a chance.

Boudoir Eyes is a great recommendation for anyone looking to buy their "first" eye shadow palette.

I have the Naked Basics palette because I knew it wasfull of neutral basics, that it was loved by beauty bloggers so there would be tons of tutorials out there, and that it was $28. In total everything I was really interested in.