
That last bit there is the honest to God truth— and something I have to regularly remind myself despite being a dedicated makeup wearer. Until you have everything done, you're going to look crazy pants—- especially if one of the first things you do is eyebrows.

That's good to know. I went to Sephora with the exact same issue (no clue what I needed) and blithely mentioned some products I'd heard about. The girl went "Ya those are good" and handed them to me and left. Will try MAC next :)

You mean I can go back on Nuvaring and get it for free??!?! This is the best news.

When I was pregnant I used to alleviate boredom by dancing to the Michael Jackson game for Kinect. Not to induce labour, just... For funsies.

Am I supposed to hump a pound of coffee at the Starbucks interview?

I had a friend who (admittedly drunk) decided to inform me that "a job isn't all about money" when discussing his efforts to be "an investor" (don't ask).

There's something almost cruel in the blasé way that people who are well-off will sometimes say what Steve Jobs said here. Are they honestly unaware that some people have jobs that aren't fulfilling and self-actualizing and all of that, for their entire working lives? Or is the assumption that the guy vacuuming the

I will never get pregnant and don't habitually look at the naked pregnant belly so I have to say that this shocked me. I would have NEVER thought that a pregnant belly poked out that far.

Actual feedback from an interview (paraphrased, because it was 1999):

I never, ever want to be pregnant.

I would like to point out the tiny Darth Vader chair to her left.

I'm going to stop defending my choices to assholes and just start using the simple but brilliant sign off "because fuck you that's why."

Pretty sure you are legally obligated to propose marriage to such a man upon meeting him.

True story: I was a camp counselor when I was 17 and in charge of six 8 year old girls for the summer. We were all about to go to sleep when one girl pulled back the covers to her cot to find a scorpion in the "ready" position. I wanted to scream and run but could not, as somehow the camp put me in charge of these

I went to Air Force basic training in San Antonio. The training instructors loved to tell us this story about a former recruit. One day, while he was standing at attention with the rest of his flight, a scorpion somehow crawled into this kid's uniform and stung him, but he just stood there stock still with the right


She said: "I have been promised we'll be ­protected and we'll have alarms fitted in the house as well as a geographical ban stopping him from coming to our town."

Once you beat someone senseless with DUMBELLS IN FRONT OF YOUR CHILDREN you should have no rights to those children or any of their family members ever.

Maybe there are some things that should mean you forfit parental rights. Like you know almost killing your kids mother.