
I truly hate the term "political correctness," but the thing is, there's a grain of truth under all this. The internet HAS produced a chilling effect among leftists, especially aggravated by social media and how easy it is to tweet "Kill yourself" at someone who makes an honest mistake. Writers, comics, satirists, and

The un-ironic use of phrases like "political correctness" or "White Guilt" are tell-tale signs of a person's inherent racist tendencies. The author of that article is either one of those "too stupid to see I'm racist" racists or one of those "too cowardly to admit it" racists.

Sorry if someone else suggested this but: If the impersonator was a part of her social circle or even a just an FB acquaintance she could slowly find the person thanks to FB's various privacy settings. First create separate groups: Family, close friends, college friends, or even mutual friends (of the other girls that

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE only use glue designed for nails. You can get it everywhere from Walgreens to Sally's. Using superglue is potentially very dangerous. Superglue is a methylcynoacrylate that can break down in water, turn yellow, is carcinogenic, and is not intended for use on the human body.

It's like fan fiction, but with real people. Writing fan fic, you're not really hurting anybody, or even coming close. Sometimes there might be a copyright-based argument that you're hurting the original creator's livelihood, but that's more of a legal assumption than an actual harm (in the sense that the original

I just say with increasing volume, "fap fap Fap FAP FAP FAP FAP". It usually gets a laugh out of him.

Call me whatever you want, but this $50 credit is absolutely worthless in face of the fact that they canceled the preorder...

I don't understand why she wouldn't be allowed to just leave. This is a private prison and it sounds like the guards all security guards - NOT corrections officers. WTF are they gonna do? Can security guards arrest her? This shit is rapey as hell.

My favorite thing about this series: clearly current or recent members of sororities are sending this stuff to Jez. Therefore, there must be people on the inside, who have enough love for their chapter to join and pay dues - but who can recognize when ridiculous ish is going down. Butthurt commenters, remember that

Nuh uh. Avoid, avoid, avoid. If I was friends with one of these gals I'd gain 30 pounds asap as soon as she got engaged because you KNOW that would get you out of ever being asked.

If I can't send my ex a carved up tennis ball from time to time, I have no choice but to abandon your rule book.

Hi Nikki, you are my favorite today, for whatever that's worth.

Whenever they have those awkward sex ed classes in sixth grade, the ones where they split up the boys and girls to different rooms and talk about body parts, they really need to include that in the lesson plan.

And this is one of the reasons that I didn't rush. So darn expensive. You pay national dues and chapter dues. You have to live in/on the sorority house/hall. Then, other people get to tell you how to dress and spend your (in my case) very limited money. I went to a southern university with an entrenched Greek


Right, this is why I brought up the hospital being sued for HIPAA violations last story. He was likely privy to private health discussions as well as glimpses of the patient in undress.

"The individual never had contact with any hospital patients and did not gain access to any patient care areas of the hospital at any time. The hospital immediately notified local authorities, who took the individual into custody, and we are cooperating with their ongoing investigation."

Seriously. This is such such SUCH a HIPPAA violation. I am honestly somewhat sympathetic to the hospital's situation here - with busy, overworked doctors who see lots of young students come and go, and are focused on their patients' needs and not on whack jobs who breach security - but in this case, if I were the he was in the exam room while the other doctor was performing an exam yet the hospital is releasing a statement about "never having contact with any patients and did not gain access to any patient care areas at any time"? What the actual fuck. That is one big contradiction and I would be so pissed if some

Seriously, all these stories are like "so I was obsessed with this girl I didn't really know and who didn't really show any interest in I did something incredibly awkward and needy in public to show her how amazing I am, and she found it awkward and needy instead of romantic!" Gosh women sure are heartless.