
Colors green and yellow and red in the holomap.

While true, should probably be Statutory Teen Spirit.

In Utero Track 4 is Matt Gaetz favorite.

We’re continually being paid “reparations.” It’s called privilege. 404 years of being systematically advantaged.

If the opposite of “woke” is asleep, this mutherfucker is in a coma.

If it feels like D3 seasons at all, it’ll be welcome. I sprint in, get all the rewards play with the new shiny thing and move on to some new AAA title.

$600 was roughly the cost of the last PC I built in 2014.
If nothing else bringing a $600 4000 series GPU into the line will depress the rest of the GPU market. Because I’m willing to spend for a GPU in my new build, just not for as much as my last PC.

Not trying to enter the fray too much, but it does speak volumes that Adult Swim & Squanch dropped him so fast after the charges were filed that it leads me to believe that there may have been some issues at work and the charges (in addition to the online behavior) made it easy to do what they already wanted to. The

So like....700 things. For the employees and others who are hearing these last retail gasps for the first time: this is exactly what working for KB Toys was at the end. I was a store manager: required hours to be use each day to maximize coverage, shipping delays, action items, required sales monitoring (how many

Krem. I’m replaying through DA:I now.

This doesn’t acknowledge nor calculate the reverse: how many games have I purchased that ended up on XGP. Bethesda aside, there are still many games that I’ve purchased that 1-2months later appear.

They’ve been looking for a UX Designer likely for this precise reason. It’s also the reason I applied. I love Destiny, but I check in every 6 months, feel like I’m completely lost, behind, and it’s geared towards an experience I don’t love (PvP). So I play and try to figure what I can do for a session or two, and then

I’m sick and tired of these Monday-to-Friday snakes on this Monday-to-Friday plane.

The early F-16s had serious avionics issues.

I swear to God, if I drop out of warp (or whatever we’re calling FTL here) and a ship doesn’t come out of nowhere and comms come up and they don’t say: “I’ve been looking for you. Got something I’m supposed to deliver - your hands only.”
It’s a wasted opportunity.

Death to all pop ups. We can start with G/O’s newsletter/Samsung ads.

No I have two degrees. From my first post: And even if you graduated when I did (2009)“ 

Fine, how about an extra tax for being lucky enough to graduate at a time to utilize your loans and leverage them into financial stability. It’ll make up for all the lost taxes from cuts to the Department of Education that made college affordable-ish for Boomers to Gen-Xers.
And even if you graduated when I did (2009)

Or you could mention that as President he is Commander-In-Chief of all of the military and not start spouting your divisive missives as a look-over-here-whataboutism-red-herring.
To get back to the point: at the first black president’s library site was an obviously racist gesture.
Nobody put torture devices outside

Yes but the audiophile with access to adobe audition wants to know HOW THEY DECODED IT. 

Was it any one incident they’re using? I’m not seeing the connection (no pun intended) to the abrupt cancellation. I never thought any of her coverage or commentary warrants this. Is there a behind-the-scenes disagreement that we’re not hearing about.
If she wasn’t willing to go in the same post-midterm direction I