
Wow. Um I wanted to add a comment about how the base gameplay is fantastic but the mission selection and gear are convoluted af and the one thing that would make the game more fun is costumes being less f2p pay wall and more integrated but the comment section went into full shitshow mode real fast. 

I half expected her to start shilling a vagina crystal in all the “conversation” about her “journey” on who she’s “becoming” - How bout we stop stop making ourselves feel better as we “live our truth” and just say what we mean. “I understand that people have concerns, and if I had those same concerns I wouldn’t be

True. I don’t have a choice, but even if I did, I wouldn’t be buying the PS5. I AM however currently in litigation with Scarlett Johansson versus theatrical vs. home release. 

Exclusives (timed or otherwise) are stupid. Not buying the PS5 for it. Also, who the F is that with Revan and Bastilla? Those other two are not companions from KoTOR. Is that their kids (Spoiler they have kids).

Yeah the progression is a bit haphazard and overlapping from the iterations of the game. Haven’t booted it for Series X yet but it always looked good on Xbone. 

That could be an interesting “start mode” to the game.

So happy they’ve stuck with the game and added so much more, only thing I’d like to see is a robust ship designer. Take the pieces parts that the game randomly generates and make them blueprints so you can customize your own ship. And then you can collect $ and materials to upgrade class for more inventory slots. I’d wanna be Thanos? j/k

You can’t just casually drop “melanated among us” in the middle of a sentence. I’m wiping my drink off my screen from that spit take.


Yes, all the choices that the people felt gutted by when it reduced down to 3 at the end of the game. Honestly, BioWare should have just approximated the final choice based on your trilogy save. Because heavily foreshadowing that the synthesis ending was what it was all heading to apparently wasn’t enough for people

If you give money to an entity with strings attached it’s not donating, it’s bribery.

I’d have rather seen a ninety-minute Scorpion revenge film from the first 10 minutes. Ya know like how his rage brought him back from hell. I mean the netherrealm. Scorpion was the best part of the whole film. Goro was dope as well.*

seems like this is what’s happening. Half of the initial GP games at launch I already owned, so [shrug emoji]

I’ve been able to play games that have “left” game pass. Is this just the opportunity to download them and play as long as you have Game Pass? I’m not exactly certain on how this works.

The transparency on the card info is giving me fits. The white text over a bright galaxy background has me apoplectic.

Hmmm. It might be where the audio is syncing in the process tree, in the opening video when you log in and the Pterodactyl thing flies by there’s a bunch of screen tearing on the video compression. So my guess is that there’s a lot of performance issues. Could be both a hiccup of the code+servers. With a game so

So it’s a server side issue. 

/my 2¢/

No international shipping lawyer here but there’s probably a multitude of factors here. My understanding was that the boat got stuck due to a windstorm, i.e. not a liable offense, and if the canal doesn’t have an insurance policy for this reason wtf? Also I’d look into any improvement studies for the Canal, as I’m not