
I’d rather John Boyega or Oscar Isaac in those roles and have Michael B. Jordan as Killmonger. It sucks we only get that performance once, though. “Oh look, Shuri put in the nanobot suit that it keeps you alive!”- An imprisoned Foil for Shuri in Wakanda Forever that has her sliding more violent would be an awesome


I always tried to convince her that diversity=strength. It’s been a minute but isn’t she less racist in ME3? Once she doesn’t come back to join the crew in ME2, all my romance goes the far superior (j/k) Miranda. And for some reason Jack is always mad at me. 

So does Sheev have to literally call every clone commander in a Galactic-scale conflict? I feel like he’d still be on the holophone up through the Solo film.

Sheev: “BT-7651 Execute Order 66"

I guess it’s like destroying the Trade Federation Command Ship. Interesting how droids lose a signal and clones need a signal. It’s like poetry. It rhymes.

She was pretty awesome in AM&TW, good pathos and arc for her and I’d love to see her with Goliath doing the Quantum thing.

You see 80s music video, I see Photoshop 1.5 edge emboss.

I’d have rather seen a ninety-minute Scorpion revenge film from the first 10 minutes. Ya know like how his rage brought him back from hell. I mean the netherrealm. Scorpion was the best part of the whole film. Goro was dope as well.*

seems like this is what’s happening. Half of the initial GP games at launch I already owned, so [shrug emoji]

I’ve been able to play games that have “left” game pass. Is this just the opportunity to download them and play as long as you have Game Pass? I’m not exactly certain on how this works.

The transparency on the card info is giving me fits. The white text over a bright galaxy background has me apoplectic.

Likely a comedy of bureaucratic errors (aka she wasn’t on the FBI most wanted list and probably only because she moved states did it trip any internal red flags)

Look how they massacred my boy.😭

I am become death, destroyer of fun.

Hmmm. It might be where the audio is syncing in the process tree, in the opening video when you log in and the Pterodactyl thing flies by there’s a bunch of screen tearing on the video compression. So my guess is that there’s a lot of performance issues. Could be both a hiccup of the code+servers. With a game so

So it’s a server side issue. 

/my 2¢/

No international shipping lawyer here but there’s probably a multitude of factors here. My understanding was that the boat got stuck due to a windstorm, i.e. not a liable offense, and if the canal doesn’t have an insurance policy for this reason wtf? Also I’d look into any improvement studies for the Canal, as I’m not

Please no. Not because I don’t like the Kelvin movies, but I don’t think I could handle the internet if that was the case. 

I thought it would be in the article, and apologies if it’s in the comments, but the title of the episode “The world is watching” is what Nakia says to T’Challa when he has Klaue subdued. That was a tip that a public beating was going to happen.