
The editorial advisor, advisor, made unilateral changes without consultation of the staff. To quote Robert Reford from All the Preisdent’s Men “It’s not what you did, it’s how you did it.” The article states that the advisor initially made the case for them to change how they feel and focus on “objectivity” before

Other than being soulcrushingly depressing, this was a good flick.

When there are nine.

Pootie Tang sucked. It sucked so bad that I got a refund from Blockbuster.

Does she look like a badass ready to get some work done? Hell yeah.

This is so dope. 

Now playing

The only song an artist won’t send a cease and desist order for.

This is proof. 

Yes. But one thing at a time. lolz.

I’ve noticed this more with the game than Marvel per se. I believe MFF is produced in Asia. As such, many of the characters have a similar style and look a compared to American artists.

I think it’s less about Marvel and Disney as it is the Netmarble. She’s always looked like this (in fact all the women

I thought the game sucking was entirely the point. It’s called “Vampire: The Masquerade”. The only way it could suck more is if it was call “Vacuum: The Masquerade”.

F you with your name. It caught me off guard.

Hear me out...The inconsistency of the main character learning about racism is a function of 2 factors. 1)Arthur Morgan is a surrogate for the player and therefore is inconsistent when the game wants to preach narrative. 2) The game is so damn long that the makers figured you forgot.
I play Rockstar games in waves (do

All communication has a point-of-view and a agenda. It’s all propaganda.

I don’t think that the “being fair” is going to work how they think. Making the Orangina One less cartoonish is only going to make him more menacing. 

I seriously dislike this administration as much as the next sane person. But this is a fictional representation, not a documentary. So the creators have the right to do it however they want to. Full stop.

I think the article is missing the direct causal link between tik tok and the Tulsa Rally for this “ban”. It wasn’t on the agenda until they catfished the rally and cost them money in over prepping.

I....I....I don’t know if I’m shocked or offended or excited or all three.

Does Build-a-bear do cloud backups?