
“Perfect Storm”—- Ohhhkk. Whatever you want to call your cleavage. Good on her for keeping up the momentum, but a spade is a spade.

I’m officially too old to “get” streamer culture. Like I get it, but I don’t “get” it. 

Well, by going 4,5,6,1,2,3 it’s all borked up. 

It wasn’t exactly contracts re: Spielberg. The Director’s Guild of America (DGA) wouldn’t allow members to participate because.................There was no director’s credits at the beginning of the film. 

Grammar note: When describing an energy field that surrounds us, penetrates us, binding the galaxy together, the Force is capitalized. Grammar note over. Thank you for listening.

These are films for children. While I hate the comp of Hayden’s head on top of Sebastian Shaw’s body, with the 6 films (when it was added) complete, showing Anakin at his last Jediness visually tells children that he was a good guy again. I take your point, but it’s only since I was older did I start to question his

That’s right. Read the rules. Because rules aren’t ever stupid. 

I didn’t throw my controller. I just was like: “that feels like it undid any progression”- had it accurately stated that I had moved into endgame content, like you know Destiny 2 did, I wouldn’t  be so ‘meh’ I’m kinda done. Grinding up a specialization doesn’t seem like that much fun now that a PMC has recaptured

I just finished liberating the Capitol and then Black Tusk arrived and undid all the progression. That was Sunday. I don’t think I’m going back to the game anytime soon. 

This plot is not very good, and it’s good that we didn’t get it for IX. It’s a cute video, but it doesn’t do much for the alternative story. I’m not saying RoS is perfect, but it’s not as bad as people* (*vocal minority) make it out to be. Grey Jedi is a concept that needs to die. That’s not how the Force works.

So the bonuses are laggy just like the game?

Also, if you’re a game developer, when Jason emails you for a comment on a story; just ask what you fucked up and how you can fix it. Otherwise, HE WILL CANCEL YOUR COMPANY.

If Netflix et al. doesn’t win the inevitable petition to dismiss, shouldn’t the plaintiff have to prove the case? And when she can’t, that’s going to be a tough day, when a court says “We can’t prove you’re NOT a racist, and you did harm to innocents.” 

Trump who hasn’t been convicted yet of any crimes. Except for all the ones’ his business have been cited for.

The only portfolio I’ve got is my Graduate work in UXD. Schooling and a field I’m only getting into because my undergrad degree doesn’t pay diddly, and I work for the University I graduated from. Thankfully the benefits (health care and free education) kick ass, otherwise I’d be SOL on life. Thanks YouTube! (I’m a

I’m happy you were able to be successful and navigate the market. In the last decade since I graduated from college, the social contract is broken. I’m not alone in relying on some support from family because I’m underpaid. I’m $30,000 in debt from 2 and 1/2 years at a public university. The market is broken, jobs

Here’s a thought; offer more trade-in credit for games (other than sports games, they year-to-year don’t hold value). Like back when it was thriving. Dump the 15 feet of wall space devoted to Fuck-O-Pops and focus on actual inventory. 67% of the used price in trade in. Like how it was. Have a way for people to try out

But you don’t know if you’ll like it until you try. Craftsman hammers is the way to go. 

How bout a countersuit for illegally detaining him from celebrating with the team?
Also his police supervisor and the head of security for the arena should be reprimanded. I work at a mid-major NCAA athletic department and our security guards know the face of the AD and his wife. The police supervisor and security

“Chuck said, Toddly.”

Somehow, I think this proves we’re living in Phillip K. Dick world. Bizarre. 

I agree with you, as goeth Picard, so goeth Starfleet.