
While you are so definitely not wrong—are we gonna pick Trump over Biden in 2020? That’s really the only question that matters. If Biden is kinda sucky, then lets just get someone else the nomination.

But if it’s between the reincarnation of Hitler filtered through a cheeto’s bag and Baby Boomer democrat (i.e. still

Anyone in the ad buying biz know the current rate for a Tuck-tuck ad? 

How much gold do the “we buy gold people” have to buy in order to sell on FN?

Yes and at the same time, no. His disappointment is never going to be outshined by his self-aggrandizing narcissism tinged with misogyny.

I’ve now heard disaffected white girl rap. It’s as if Lana Del Rey’s bored look personified and started a hip-hop career. 

If Rashomon was a kid that had potential but just kept adding more things to a grand plan, but really was just disappointing it’s father who stupidly keeps rooting for his child. 

That’s a core mechanic that I wish was in more games.

So this seems like a different discussion other than the memorizing puzzles aspect. What is speedrunning? Is it playing the game in the way it’s meant to be or is it inputting in the fastest/most optimal sequence.
If it’s playing the game, the chart, and by extension the Bioshock mod, is a form of cheating. If it’s

Nuke it from orbit. Only way to be sure.

So ESPN+ and Disney+ (no ads) with Hulu (ads) for $13/month. I’ll take that one. Bye cable. 

Yes, but I’d argue the fact that the shows, in addition to the library and not having to go upstairs to grab a blu-ray is primo. Also, kids fucking murder home media. 

whoa, whoa, whoa. Before you start voting Republican can we see a copy of your W2 so I can tell you which wing you’ll be going into. We may also need some of your other demographic info as well. Pray you don’t get any tin foil as you enter, but not too hard, cuz that’s a whole ‘nother wing.

I watched the xbox e3 presentation this year. IIRC it was a little difficult to find it.

Streaming really doesn’t do much for me. However, it’s never a good idea for one thing to dominate at the expense of the innovation of others. So maybe this will help all the streaming platforms be better.

I like live streams for

It’s like virtual anthropology mixed with sociology. And then if you wants ta get meta, think about how all these interactions affect the real people. 

Honestly, between the Funko Pops, digital sales, and the clutter, I’m not surprised they are hemorrhaging money and now people.


Yeah he needs a firmware update to process 802.11n wireless. He slows down when the crowds jump on wifi. 

If you already have Xbox Live, they start the 14.99/month charges once you exhaust your current subscription, up to 36 months. My resub date is in March. 

Yup I got till March 2020 for $1.

I mean, if we’re shitposting, this is the response of the official players’ association that’s got pending negotiations, and they don’t want to have the same bs accounting trip them up.