
Sarah Paulson is playing her in the Lifetime movie right?

He says his whole life has been building to that point. We all know that’s bullshit, he’s been building to get that swole. Yeesh, does every OW character have to look like they do nothing but copious amounts of anabolic steroids?

and useful.

Michael Collins was a household name for me. But we’re also Irish. So it’s kinda a twofer.

They’re tacky?

Iceman, it’s Iceman.

Context, he literally names only Republicans as being the ones who block. 

Did he really retire his own damn jersey in that Nike announcement? 

Vids like that one are like nails on a chalkboard to a videographer. Take your phone off auto. I think what makes it worse is that he had good content and good instincts for filming something like that.
Youtube creators: Learn how to set a focal depth. It drives me nuts. Ok rant over. 

If that arm drag constitutes ‘significant hinderance’ God help us all. He grazes his arm. If he’d have tried a something other than a SC Top10 one handed catch.

But how does one ‘know’ someone else? Is a name all that they are? Or are they the struggle that’s defined their life? Does a name encapsulate them?

Broadcast angles and broadcast networks are two different things. They’re taking broadcast feeds, saying that only the tv angles are the official ones.

It’s not the “broadcast” i.e. the show you see on your tv, its referring to the camera placements for the broadcast.

Broadcasts routinely are used as the “official”

End of Days looks like the move I would always do when I accidentally grappled in the WCW Nitro games. 

Nope. D1 scholarships are handed out on a year-by-year basis. At least at the non P5 level. Those cash cows do whatever they want.

So now it’s “Player Known’s Battlegrounds” right?

Not trying to get on blast here, but I think this is 2 sides having 2 different arguments. There’s:“we can’t get in the door, so maybe don’t take this away” and “it’s art, we should do it all, no restrictions”. Where it’s messed up is, ScarJo should have a concept that maybe it’s better to couch and clarify. And maybe

Yeah, her dad was a maverick in the Republican party because he was a decent human being.

homophobic or just stereotyping?

I think we’re letting that word out too loosely nowadays. You bring up the “is mean to gay people” isn’t exactly “homophobic”. Uncouth maybe, but it doesn’t exactly fall into the irrational fear of homosexuals.
I’m happy that he’s running. But I’ll never vote for him. NOT BECAUSE HE’S

It’s not the words that are dangerous, it’s the words when used by someone who’s trusted and using them for manipulation. And here they are used for context.