
Incorrect you say?!  Please help us all understand the truth, random internet commenter.

Well, if you’re a dick you can make any headline sound bad. Also, that is not how quotation marks work.

2 dog power

Is it roomier than my first house?

Star Wars (the original, A New Hope) was a genuinely great movie, and not just a landmark film but an innovative idea (who’d have thought that WW2 imagery and a kung-fu movie would make such a great mashup with Kurosawa and then propel Joseph Campbell into the spotlight?). Empire was even better in a lot of ways, but

If you don’t mind being wrong.

I’ll just wait till 2019 for this edition, should be good for a few more horses.

You can turn off stop/start.

I HATE resident-only parking in Austin. I’m convinced that the old farts who seem to push this as a “solution” have no friends, and never have to worry about what to do with people who come over, or never have a spare car to contend with. It’s a disaster, and hot trash for residents, too, particularly if you bring

Tbh I thought this article was going to be about wacky street parked cars in NYC, so here are some for anyone else who was disappointed-

I swab a paste of zero carb Red Bull and crushed cvs brand caffeine pills on my gums every 45 minutes and when I can hear colors, I stop

Makes for a cool movie ride too.

Giant fender flares over massive dually rear - check.

New life goal: Obtain one of these.

The only thing I can think of for why you need an 4-door SUV is you have kids, and tow something big. If we had large wagons again people might drive the large wagons instead though, at least in my warped and twisted mind.

This is a good comment. I learned new things, read a well thought-out opinion, and was given data to back up your claim. Maybe you should be the writer here..?

My 3/4-ton 6.0 Suburban averages around 12.5 mpg. Bad? Yes. However, I use it for family vacations to tow a travel trailer, I use it to tow old non-running project cars around on my car trailer, and I can use it to haul 8 people and their luggage in supreme comfort.

Good point. All wagons should be shooting brakes.

You can’t fit the full mullet in landscape.