That’s deep. I never considered the fact that if she had been onside then she wouldn’t have been offside. Case closed!
That’s deep. I never considered the fact that if she had been onside then she wouldn’t have been offside. Case closed!
Unless it’s a euphemism, Tiger Woods hasn’t “done his time humping bags.”
My wife gets in the shower from the front because that is the side the toilet is on and if the shower curtain every got close to the toilet she would require us to throw out the shower curtain and move.
I got into an argument with my weightlifter friend on this topic the other day. I said 7 but he insisted it was 8.
Here is the google maps of the spot. This will either be a really good time or a really bad time.
It’s called Darna and is in the same building as a Jiffy Lube.
You are right that when this system fails it tends to fail in spectacular fashion. As for shortening the game, if there were 15 more possessions then UVA loses by 30...
Best tip for folks living in Philly. Move out of your mom’s basement.
Yes, because the ball hit the ground first you can pretty much do what ever you want. Unless you are the Rams, in which case only 2 people are allowed to try and block someone.
Easiest WYTS ever.
Nah, snitches get stitches. Better to casually drop some slurs to protect your masculinity.
Except he didn’t really “shatter” his pelvis and collarbone. All the reports I have seen say he has non-displaced fractures.
The number of people who don’t get this is stunning. It reminds me of the bodybuilders arguing how many days there are in a week.
Since when is $736.10 enough cash to traffic drugs?
Replace “social issues” with “feel good, human interest stories” and this tweet is 🔥
Silver said Trump had about a 30% chance to win when most other forecasts had it as single digits or nonexistent. He also laid out the specific scenario in which Trump would win— state level polls are correlated and many of them could be off in the same direction. A 5 point underdog in the NBA wins about 30% of the…