Aspie Barbies Each Sold Separately

My vote is not thrown away if I vote for, say, Jill Stein, who actually deserves it. I don’t even live in a battleground state. My vote is thrown away if I capitulate to a bunch of neoliberals who tell me I’m sexist and boy-crazy for not immediately backing their chosen candidate.

And there is a marked difference

Hey guys, remember when those sexist “Obama boys” were attacking Clinton online everywhere you looked?

Heck, as a Bernie fan, I can recognize that Clinton herself has overcome plenty of adversity and broken a lot of barriers for women. Same goes for Steinem and Albright.

That said, being a badass lady doesn’t protect you from criticism, particularly when you are insulting and belittling the women you claim to fight for.

See, it’s things like this that make me think Hillary will lose the general. Anecdotally, my millennial friends and family members were livid over this and Steinem’s comments. A few of them will no longer vote for her under any circumstance, simply because they don’t want to give her the satisfaction of thinking they

Now playing

There’s also this gem from Albright today:

The whole Sanders movement began because we couldn’t convince Sen. Warren to run. He draws an overwhelming majority of Millennial women, including some 80 percent in Iowa. You have no idea what you are talking about and are spreading harmful, sexist divisiveness. Hope that feels good.

Honestly, I think this is less about active sexism (which it still is, of course,) and more about revealing the inherent misogyny in our language. Before we had any prominent female candidates, these scumsuckers used a lot of these gendered insults and expressions against each other anyways, but now that they are

A lot of moderate liberals don’t like to admit that they are actively fighting long-term progress by accepting a corporate-sponsored candidate. I wish those types would just own their positions instead of viciously tearing down anyone who tries to shift the conversation leftward. At least then I could respect them for

Your original post literally brought up Bernie’s name and his supporters before it got around to Hillary. But you’re just here to talk about Hillary, and anyone who responds to your original swipe is just picking on you. Gotcha.

The patience is something I am still working on, admittedly. Most of the marginalization of Sanders supporters is just a deflection to avoid having to take a long, hard look at what Clinton’s negative campaigning and policies are really saying about her, but I have been a Jez reader from the very beginning, and it’s

Yeah, and people wonder why we get frustrated over being effectively erased from the discussion with one snide dismissal, every single time Bernie gets brought up around here. This isn’t how liberals are supposed to debate among themselves.

Not to my taste either, to be honest, but it basically comes with its own sweetener. I am more into pomegranate and black teas, but my boyfriend is a licorice fiend who also drinks his way through my stash, and I haven’t managed to shift myself all the way to the grocery store yet.

ETA: Decided not to get into some stupid trollfight today.

I know we had a little spat elsewhere, but I wanted to reply to this specifically and as neutrally as possible. As someone who has been wrung through the system personally and has watched most of my friends and family grow poorer instead of more prosperous, the system isn’t working for many, many people. That is why

By not reading my post, you failed to see the part where I wished you would feel better soon. :( And all I have is licorice tea, right now, which I know is not to everybody’s taste.

Hey, I’m just grateful you didn’t dismiss me entirely. It’s okay to stay comfortably inside your own narrative, but don’t be surprised if women like me push back against the dismissive sexism I see from a surprising number of Clinton supporters. It’s not helping anything and simply driving a bigger wedge between the

I’m not sure what you think is going to happen when you post a very debatable opinion on the Internet, of all places, and then finish it up by inflaming people with that sexist Berniebro garbage. Baiting people to anger as an excuse to bolster your “Berniebro” narrative is not exactly responsible debating.

My question

He’ll hit a brick wall in the House, just like Obama did and just like Hillary would. But I think that if anyone can look at that fight without getting demoralized, it’s Bernie. The guy’s been shouting himself hoarse throwing the same messages into these people’s faces for decades and he hasn’t given up yet. His

Eh, the same argument is true for any Democrat. At least with Bernie on the ticket we can hope for an energized turnout in the general that will result in a few gains in the House and Senate. He has enthusiasm and a greater portion of independents on his side, and he will also be a very public advocate for the liberal

It’s a shrewd political move on his part- when the entire country knows you on a first-name basis, they’re much more likely to listen to and trust what you say. Same with his rhetorical style of calling his audience “brothers and sisters.” Bernie knows how to navigate past people’s natural inhibitions when it comes to