Aspie Barbies Each Sold Separately

A good fraction of them will fall back on that, sure. But if we can pull even a small percent of pro-lifers out of their reflexive rejection of new ideas and empathy, it would have a measurable impact on public opinion. As a monolith, they’re a bunch of shitheads, but as individual people, some of them might still be

I agree completely, but I think a lot of pro-lifers out there have only been exposed to the simplistic narrative of wanton harlots killing their babies for their own convenience, which really dehumanizes the women involved. Showing them why women actually terminate pregnancies, whether it be for medical, financial or

I hope everything goes well for you and your baby. Stories like yours are what we need to circulate to the pro-lifers; too many have let partisan rhetoric overcome their own empathy for the women around them, when the reality of abortion is so much more complicated and personal than “lol you sluts deserve it.”

Meanwhile, there is no longer a need to count down to someone posting baseless, sexist hate toward Sanders supporters. Thanks for taking that off my plate!

After watching some of the shenanigans the “establishment” has been pulling to shut down Sanders, I’m feeling less cozy towards some of the people in charge than I used to, but having a strong framework in place to advocate for progressive policies is absolutely always a net positive. I may not like the Clintons

The problem is that the Clintons have been around for so long that pretty much everyone heading the major liberal organizations has worked for them at some point. Defending the Clintons is what they do, even to the detriment of the Democratic process. PPA endorsed Clinton right around when her Iowa numbers really

I think the “establishment” is an inevitable and therefore essential part of politics. I can still also recognize when things are getting toxic and need a change. If you like Clinton or some other establishment politician, that’s fine. Just own it; the Clintons have built an impressive political machine, and that

I criticize the candidate I don’t like because of these things. Don’t get the two confused.

These sites are admittedly biased, but they give a nice rundown of Sanders’s support for women’s rights and issues over the years:
Link One
Link Two

The Democratic establishment stands independent from Democratic ideals. The ‘establishment’ is simply the network of people and organizations that currently wield the power to enact change or ignore it. Abandoning one does not mean abandoning the other.

I’m going to just rattle these off from the top of my head, but this is generally what it means when someone calls Clinton ‘establishment.’

Nothing like chicken stew with meat so dark it’s purple. :) I always thought we were doing ourselves a disservice passing off those sodium-soggy broilers breasts as real chicken meat.

Hens that have been specifically bred for egg production have much shorter lifespans. They lay unnaturally huge eggs, so once they are around two years old and the plumbing starts to get a little wonky they usually end up getting an egg stuck inside them. Sad side-effect of industrial breeding practices, but it’s less

No problem, and good luck!

The thing about chicken coops is that if you try to buy or commission one, the person selling it is probably making it more elaborate than it needs to be. I turned an old garden shed into a coop and used five-gallon buckets as nesting boxes. They slept up in the rafters and were perfectly content, cost me maybe $50

Quite possible I am wrong! I knew that jungle fowl only lay a few clutches per year, but I was assuming that by the time periods being discussed here, simple selection pressures would have already pushed chickens into more prolific laying. Maybe one-three per week would have been a more reasonable number; I was just

Adult chickens are surprisingly cold tolerant and will huddle up with each other at night to stay warm, so they usually don’t need supplemental heating. The big concern in places with cold winters is frostbite, so don’t get breeds that have big, floppy combs and wattles and make sure their coop isn’t drafty. Another

Non-broiler chickens take 4-6 months to reach an acceptable eating size, so it doesn’t surprise me to learn that early cultures weren’t raising them in large enough numbers to make them a staple food source. Far better to let your hens live and produce ~5 eggs/week each for years than to kill them young for a single

Cecile Richards is a long-time Clinton ally and her daughter works for the Clinton campaign in, I believe, Iowa. HRC’s president Chad Griffin volunteered for Bill Clinton’s first campaign and got himself a job at the White House as a result. Pointing out that these organizations may not be representing their own

Your life is your own. Nobody else gets to live it, and nobody else can tell you you’re doing it wrong with any real credibility (unless they are tossing you out into the street or a prison cell.) Frankly, only a tiny fraction of people get to go down in the history books, and everyone else is just trying to make the