Aspie Barbies Each Sold Separately

Years ago, I moved to an area with Five Guys aplenty and then moved back to a place with none. I still think about how much I want one of those burgers sometimes. To have them nearby and still resist takes some real mental fortitude.

What if, in some alternate reality, Sanders had tweeted something like, “Clinton prioritized the desires of child rapists and murderers to help incite a violent coup against the democratically elected President of Honduras, against the will of the people.”

I am aware of the circumstances. What Clinton is doing here is tying the images of dead children to Sanders’ position on manufacturer liability. However implicitly, that is what she is doing, and she is doing it for calculated political reasons. This is only a campaign issue because she has deliberately and repeatedly

I have a number of ties to the industry in my state, and it is indeed blindingly white, with the exception of the operations being run by tribal governments. It’s also almost exclusively male, for that matter, with most women being relegated to sales and retail positions. The place my manfriend just resigned from had

I have found concretions with leaves, crab claws, reed stalks, and all kinds of cool crap inside them roaming the beaches in my area. They’re like Easter eggs that have a high chance of just containing really old mud, but sometimes you get something worth the trouble of sledgehammering them. Never found a vertebrate

To follow up on my earlier response, exit polls seem to be pointing to Sanders winning the Latino vote handily in IL. Many grains of salt are still needed at this point, of course.

Off the top of my head, Nina Turner and Tulsi Gabbard have been two of his most prominent campaign surrogates and stump for him regularly. Lucy Flores has been active for the campaign as well. There’s also Simone Sanders, no relation, who works directly for the campaign, and I’m sure I’m missing more.

When you only have something to lose by looking back and admitting the mistakes of the past, it’s a lot easier to just ignore them. How can I acknowledge the fact that humanity only got where it is today through genetically ingrained greed and aggression and then condemn those traits in modern people? How can I

Our histories are a mess of revisionism and legends, but the privileged position of whites in academia means that we have the luxury of debating those points of contention for hundreds and even thousands of years, with a wealth of resources to draw from, in many cases. Definitely not the same thing as the attempted

I like watching this show while I work, since it’s so very easy to zone out all the blah-blah-bang-bang bits and then refocus whenever Ellis and that accent of his are back on-screen. Using this system, I have successfully convinced myself that the show is worth watching further.

But I have to qualify that endorsement

See, I just sit here and laugh a little whenever you respond, because your tired old arguments are clearly recycled from Clinton press releases, and you inevitably turn to personal attacks whenever you are pressed. It’s such a pattern with you that I’m not going to bother with this discussion once this post is done.

“Thankfully, I have Digimon...”
My whole childhood summed up in four words.

More on topic, the BOS ending is probably the coolest of all of them. If you can get past murdering the lovable Railroad ragtags, it’s worth completing. There’s also a way to finish the game without taking out either side, but you have to

Nope, that’s definitely Deacon. He changes outfits constantly when he travels with you, and the voice actor is distinct. He also recounts the times he’s spied on you when you join the Railroad, so this one is for sure an intentional Easter egg. Lying and spying is just what the man does.

I’m looking at poll numbers and primary results, actually. I’m looking at Clinton’s favorability ratings and the downward trajectory of her margins against both Obama and Sanders. I’m looking at her already losing to hypothetical GOP candidates. Just because those facts are not favorable to Clinton doesn’t make them

I’m not forgetting anything. I just think that you are overlooking Clinton’s many, many vulnerabilities in order to make your point. The truth is that Republicans will need to attack each candidate on two different fronts.

When Republicans attack Clinton as corrupt and dishonest, it’s going to stick, because some 2/3

Sanders isn’t even a socialist; he’s a New Dealer who understands that real socialism won’t be on the table in America for decades, if ever. The GOP has been so busy calling Obama a pinko commie for the last ten years that most non-Republicans ignore it, at this point, or at least that has been my personal

As soon as I was able to reliably control a horse and bicycle on my own, my parents gave me free roam of the desert. I ran into rattlesnakes, coyotes, mule deer, burrowing owls, cow and horse skeletons, lizards, stray dogs, other people, bulls that had escaped their pasture, abandoned homesteads, and God knows what