
Oh, Who else is down for a CW Sister of the travelling Pants type spin-off show with Mona Nora and Ava

I know im in the minority but holy shit this episode was bad. Cheesy as hell from the porny music in the beginning to Nate’s dad doubting the importance of books and all, to Salvatore Dali’s clearly fake mustache. A solid C+ from me, too on the nose.

I thought about this episode, Particularly the final scene for days after I finished it.

Jsus man chill

WTF Catching Fire is great :(

Wfff? “So Hogwarts School of Wizardry and Hurt Feelings is looking to finally show these women who shouldbe in charge (because even in a society where women have held the power for centuries, the men folk still feel the head of the table is their rightful place)“

I dont know which finale the reviewer saw because i thought it was amazing an A- easily, also some characters are supposed to appear detached, it’s not bad writing as much as writer’s choice.

Hmmmm. I dunno if The Flash was trying to show that Iris was in the right as much as trying to point out what a ridiculous word it is.

Im fine mate :)

Great, so now Im gonna have to start listening to Drake, outta respect

I love you funny writer of this dirty article

Same here. Its crazy that I was laughing aloud so much last week and crying out this week.

Since I’m anonymous on the internet I can say all this stuff which I can’t say aloud. In real life I can’t tell people why this episode effected me or cry watching this because I don’t normally cry over TV shows. But here I can say just how hard this episode relates with me and anyone else who ever tried to do or came

Has anyone noticed that Jugheads high school teacher looks and fits as the killer

I love your reviews, I honestly feel like out of all the reviews I read (and I read a lot) you’re the writer who puts the most effort in their work.

In a really wild scenario, I was half expecting Martin to find out that Lily’s baby daddy was none other than...a version of Ronnie Raymond. A friend of mine spotted him near the set in Vancouver around the time the crossover was being filmed but he wasnt in costume or anything so it may have just been a visit.

I think they purposely left that out..though i am curious why. Maybe the reason she was hacking into Gideon’s mainframe was something Sara related. As my new fav character in the Arrowverse would say, “I smell a mystery”

That is now on my bucket list!

I agree with you about the first two episodes but Luck be a Lady and this episode have been some excellent Flash episodes, par with S1

Sweeeeet Christmas