
The game is looking better each time I see it. No doubt that Nicalis's choice to delay the game has allowed more time to make it look better.

I'm calling it right now.

I know that it's not drivable in the game. But I can't help but think that Turn 10 Studios have heard people's complaints about this by now.

I saw that reflection after you pointed it out.

Squirrel them away for a quarter?

I was hyped abut this sweepstakes from Sega. Right up the the part where the prize was for a PS3 download of the game the video is "hinting" at.

RAZR sharp clarity I guess? Although from looking at the picture. This actually may very well be a thin smartphone too.

Unless it's a iPhone

I have a feeling that this was planned by her. What better way to surprise him by using such a unconventional method.

I wonder if they got Monster Garage as part of this deal too.......

Now playing

Baba the Cosmic Barber is better than this lady.

Now playing

The old Kid friendly official doom mod, Chex Quest for PC.

(disregard this)

A Geo Metro

Seriously, a early 90's Geo Metro.

Now playing

Quick, someone needs to ship the WETA Workshop made Warthog to Top Gear asap.

This could be a amazing diving tool if you think about. Use it as a map of the underwater terrain while diving. Or as a means of visual communication with the use of a simple drawling application.

I checked my 3DS last night. My system is confirmed as an ambassador. Not that I was worried about it anyways. Since I've connected to the eShop plenty of times since it made it's debut after E3.

In my personal defense. Since I've only very recently have been able to use OSX regularly thanks to school. (I don't own a Mac personally.) I didn't know about Command+F till yesterday. After doing a google search for the OSX equivalent of Window's Control+F