
Spot on. I’ve seen this time and time again. New exec comes, the first thing they do is “restructure” because the old way was simply not working. Midst the chaos, knowledge is lost, layoffs (“making the company lean), any dip is then explained by workers “adjusting to their new roles” which weren’t an issue before.

Not having MvC2 is a HUGE swing and a miss.

I love that there’s a sign on the packaging material that reads, “Jason Torchinsky.” Like, who else could possibly be the intended recipient of this thing?

It would seem that coming into work to stage the sit in kind of defeats the point. If you were that worried about your health, you wouldn’t have come in at all.


The mark on the runway isn’t from the f4, it’s a result of the pilot’s pants finally exploding.

All the other cars in this lot are like: “I really hope senpai will notice me!”

When are you bringing it to CarMax to see how much they'll offer you?

“Take the car to the dealer so we can see what happens, Doug!”
“Doug, you’re horrible for taking the car to the dealer!”

Ahh, the Internet.

Except... they never actually broke up. Just got a new record company.

Looks like the United States

my 89 Geo Tracker does it better

Yeah I also feel it was a bit harsh. Hahaha. But whatever, Hungrybox started it.

I disagree. It may be grotesque and unsettling, however this the reality of the defective airbags. It's relevant and helps hammer home how dangerous these airbags are

Hello my baby, hello my darling, hello my rag time gal.

Needs to be urban camo.

Either way it answers the age old question as to why the chicken(duck, pheasant,,,,) crossed the road? To get the FUCK OUT OF THE WAY!