
They will put up with anything. He’s a cult leader. If he does it, then it’s right. If he says it, then it’s true. And if it’s opposite to what he said or did yesterday, then he was right yesterday and he’s MORE right today.

Huckabee Sanders is one of the least sympathetic figures in the White House. Kelly, McMaster, Mattis, he’ll, even Tillerson are advocating reasonable options to contain the threat Trump poses to the world. SecDef Mattis has my sympathy and prayers.

You’ll be fine. The campaign was well done. It was the multiplayer that was a dumpster fire.

No, in all likelihood you’ll still get the patches for compatibility reasons, just within the code it’ll check which console the game is being run on and if it’s not an X, it won’t attempt to execute code that it knows the regular XB1 can’t handle. And I doubt that all of the patch can only be used by the X.

I’m genuinely baffled that so many people on Kotaku - an enthusiast gaming site - are having trouble understanding what we’re talking about. Like, if I was talking to my friends who only play a few games a year I’d get it, but I’m used to the people on Kotaku generally understanding things like “this is a new version

They added ODST later as an apology. If you played it before a certain date ODST was a free DLC to the collection, if not it cost $5.

That’s been driving me nuts about the comments. Xbox One, Xbox One S, Xbox One X are all the same console just with different strengths.

It’s crazy, given that the Pro is already a thing that exists, how many people don’t understand this.

All the One X is compared to a One is a Geforce 1070 compared to a Geforce 560. They both run the same crap . One just looks better and has more things enabled.

The Xbox One X isn’t a new console, it’s just a newer version of the same console. It’ll be an update that all Xbox One’s can download, but only the Xbox One X will be able to take advantage of certain exclusive features like “4k”, HDR, and whatever the hell else it’s got. If they are adding genuine new patches and

The Xbox One X isn’t a separate console, it doesn’t have its own games. This is just a patch for the Xbox One version to take advantage of some X features.

I mean, it’s just gonna be a patch for the game, not a separate product for X owners. I would assume current owners would receive all the non-X specific improvements as well.

Shit you’re right, it is her mum’s book. Missed that bit.

lemme finish that quote you cherry-picked to make your point for you since you didn’t finish reading the whole sentence or are being willfully deceptive:

The single player was fine though. Multiplayer works but I wish it was faster. FFX on Vita and ps3 pissed because it was too much trouble to add the original ps2 soundtrack. Doing all 4 games at once was a mistake I think. They should have released it in pieces and start with Halo 2 multiplayer only or

Give me a f**cking break.

ivanka trump is a 35 year old adult. we can make fun of her bullshit attempts to appear relatable as much as we want

I would have thought the article made no sense. I mean Obama’s oldest daughter wasn’t even born yet when Cobain died. Now we are supposed to believe a baby dyed her hair blue? The whole story would fall apart.

In 20 years if Sasha Obama is an advisor to a president and wants to lie about her youth, she should be held to account too.

I definitely have my doubts about nebulous “future stuff,” considering there are plenty of examples of games where season passes don’t cover everything.