
So, fail to make a point by not cancelling Homecoming and just wag a finger, ‘tsk tsk’? No. School Admin was right, cancel it and make a point. Shitty parents will do, what shitty parents do: reward their kids for bad behaviour and make up some bullshit excuse for doing it, ultimately not doing their kids a single

Did we time travel back to when motorcyclists were criminals by default or something?

They’re mostly old retired people, not gangs.

Sounds like you dont know what Sturgis is.

If you don’t know anything about something you shouldn’t comment. Bike rallies now are mainly dentist’s and podiatrist’s and the like. I make res jokes all the time with my friends and I don’t have a problem with non natives doing it but this seemed a little beyond that.

Hey all y’all who didn’t vote, here are the consequences of elections. Neil Gorsuch, implosion of one-sixth of the economy, pre-emptive war, indifference from DoJ to anyone not in power, and tax cuts for rich people are on the menu because of your inaction.

Nope, it has to do with men automatically assuming that women know less than them even when the women in question are experts in their fields.

How often do women do that kind of obnoxious over explaining?

Well, remember that people will usually take a pregnancy test and have a pregnancy confirmed before they’ll take steps to access this medication. No one’s going to take an abortion drug without first confirming they’re actually pregnant and need it.


He is very, very, very severely burned and can never work again, asshole.

And while we’re talking about things Trump has refused to do, the sanctions against Russia that were unanimously decided upon by congress were supposed to have gone in to effect 11 days ago. Surprise! no one is acting to put them in place.

This reminds me so much of the bullshit that went on in Iraq during G.W.’s regime. If you protested the war you were supporting the terrorists and “insulting our troops”, but the fucking administration (and their Republican allies) were perfectly fine sending our boys out with shitty body armor and unarmored vehicles

The manual says weld. No expert said glue was sufficient.

Yeah, but the service manual indicated the roof had to be welded, not glued. They didn’t use the recommended method in the service manual 💩

And the signal to the rest of the repair industry to never do this again or you’ll find yourself in a similar situation.

Dig first, comment second.

It isn’t high when you think about current and future hospital visits, therapy, medication, along with the replacement of the car. Plus, this guy gave up his career, and if he can never work again as a result then you also have to pay his mortgage, electric, heat, water, phone, and any other bills he has.

Dude was trapped in the car, conscious, while his legs were being burned down to the muscle and bone.

Matthew spent three years in hospital, still sees doctors weekly and gave up his dreams of becoming a nurse.