You say that like you know there’s not when really it’s the men who run those jobs that won’t hire women and are usually abusive (e.g., sexually harass) to the few that are hired.
You say that like you know there’s not when really it’s the men who run those jobs that won’t hire women and are usually abusive (e.g., sexually harass) to the few that are hired.
Ok, so a troll. Glad we cleared that up.
97 percent said there was inadequate institutional support in the form of childcare (or none)
Yep. It made me envy the guy in Canada who couldn’t watch it....for a new reason.
wow. That was really bad.
The missing part is that the woman after the very white redhead is olive-skinned and dark-haired.
That was wiggiddy wiggiddy wack.
“Trump must know that all the people in Appalachia who need jobs aren’t going to see coal come back.”
Anyone who thinks coal is coming back is an idiot. It was the same over here after Thatcher closed down the pits in the 80s. The miners and NUM all spoke that coal could still work in the UK but we shut down the last deep-pit last year because it was uncompetitive.
She literally changed into a woman of color at the end. There was no apology or rational needed. Someone went and did what Tea Partiers did to Shirley Sherrod and made an edited clip to gain some quick notoriety. The actual ad shows a black woman becoming a white woman becoming an Asian/Hispanic woman. All with well…
If you believe that birth control murders innocents, you are wrong. It’s like saying that you believe that blood pressure readings murder innocents, and therefore you cannot go to a doctor that takes blood pressure readings. It’s inaccurate, and will damage the health of many by enacting it.
There is nothing morally questionable about birth control. Employees should not be forced to conform to the superstitious nonsense beliefs of their employers. Contraception is standard, important health care. It’s not an optional luxury good.
I had a girlfriend years ago who took it for acne. And at that time, most insurers did not cover birth control, so she paid for it herself. Of course, the insurance company covered other medications for acne (that were less effective for her.)
But employer based insurance is partially paid for by an employee, too, whose participation allows the negotiation of better rates for the group. Why is my money less important than an employer’s?
Because that’s how insurance works. You don’t only buy car insurance the very moment you need it.
You could apply this logic to anything. Vaccines, blood transfusions, ED treatment, any type of birth control. The issue isn’t birth control, it’s health care. Hormonal birth control is used to treat a wide variety of health conditions, my employer should not get to decide what health care I receive.
Unfortunately, for a lot of people there is no space free from politics these days because it’s affecting our lives on a daily basis. I’d rather support a platform that seeks to inform people on current events than one who sticks its head in the sand for the comfort of a subsection of readers.
But employer based insurance is partially paid for by an employee, too, whose participation allows the negotiation of better rates for the group. Why is my money less important than an employer’s?
I don’t know why people have such an issue with bc coverage.
Now you know to pay attention to whether BC is covered, because previously you could pick any insurance and safely assume it would be.