
Huh? There’s no porn it at all, apart from the one lesbian sex scene. Is an action movie where a male and female character happen to hook up classified as “straight porn” now?

Do people want conformation that “Atomic Blond” is not just a lesbian porn?

I wanna see it too. I’ll wait ‘til it’s available streaming because to hell with theaters, but I will definitely watch it! Stuff blows up, there’s battle, murder, mayhem, gorgeous women making out, and GREAT clothes. Count me in!

It was insanely hot and I’m also a straight woman with a basically nonexistent libido.

This movie looks awesome. Should I feel bad that I really want to see it? It’s all so gratutious, but that’s what I like about it! Plus, those clips of Charlize and Sophia were insanely sexy, and I’m a straight woman.

I thought retired congressman John Dingell summed it up nicely:

My mom has been teaching for 25 years. Her salary is $47k. Teacher salaries vary based on district, but compare them to average professional salaries (need a degree and continuing certification) in your area and they’re always at the bottom.

“Any teacher worth their salt hates to be out of the classroom. Taking a day off creates much more work than it saves,” a teacher at Chapel Hill High School who asked not to be identified stated via email. “Teachers can’t just not show up. We have an obligation to plan lessons and leave directions for a

“This is the part people aren’t getting: we’re going to see at least two more years of this guy because Republicans, even in the face of overwhelming evidence of corruption, will not impeach him. They won’t do it. And they’ll be re-elected to their chairs because they won’t do it. Yes, the conservative news machine is

It won’t dismantle.

It may be more fair for drivers, but how was your customer service? Did your cab smell like a mix of farts, and pine air fresheners? Did your co-op member regularly lie about the credit card machine being broken? Did your drivers ever threaten riders for wanting to take a specific route? That is my entire experience

“Liberals can’t take jokes” sounds like a gross over-generalization. The same can be said of conservatives. Conservatives also get boycotty and indignant when they feel that someone is targeting them. There are equal amounts of people on both sides who can’t take a joke.

To be fair, you started out by generalizing all liberals as having no sense of humor. That’s not exactly discussing things as adults.

i think you missed the point.

Outside of gun ownership, can you name a single issue in which conservatives are trying to expand or protect civil liberties?

I would think the free expression of religion would be an issue conservatives would agree with. The ACLU is not against Christmas displays. They are against government sponsorship of any religion.

One sided? Sure if the two sides are pro-civil rights and anti-civil rights. If you’re saying Dem and GOP or liberal and conservative, then no.

Opinions are fine if they can be changed once presented with facts.

Are you really citing The Terminal as if it’s a work of constitutional law? The movie was based on something that happened in France. And even if it was accurate to what would happen to America (I doubt it) none of the stuff that guy went through in the movie is relevant to any constitutional rights.

Yeah fuck civil liberties like free speech and voting rights.