
I credit it this way:

True. It is more of an Alford plea.

CNN-et-al’s breathless coverage of his campaign legitimized it in the eyes of many moderate observers

You’re saying the media shouldn’t be covering the guy running away with the Republican presidential nomination?

Mmmmm, sperm doner.

Clearly only people with lots of money should contribute to political campaigns. The opinions flying around on here are some frightening, jackboot bullshit.

Your paternalism is pretty gross. Bernie supporters are well aware of the stakes and his chances. It’s not about believing everything in his email blast. It’s

Yeah, fuck those poor people for trying to get a president who represents them. Why the fuck don’t they just hold onto their disposable income until the right-wingers and the neo-liberals get around to bleeding it from them?

You can think 1) I get why they have to do this and 2) This is bad and damaging for our democracy.

So if Hillary wins she’ll owe favours to Wall Street, big oil and big pharma. If Bernie wins, he’ll owe favours to...the working poor.

“rape glorifying essays”

I think it’s obscene that you think so little of the opinions of the working poor.

So you guys cool with Citizens United now? I would guarantee my next paycheck that you would be raising hell if it was Mitt Romney. You guys have no credibility. This just about winning an election.

No, I’m sorry, but this fundraiser is fucking egregious. Like, it used to be the case that politicians would go out of their way to avoid bringing up fundraisers where plates cost a couple thousand dollars. We long accepted this kind of shit as, like, the cost of doing business, but certainly not a tasteful activity

He’s not going to change the world at all because you and everyone like you want the status quo. You’ll bitch and whine on here all day about progressive issues, but then when someone comes along who agrees with you and wants to change things, you go “that’s stupid and unrealistic”.

It is bad that in order to win elections donors need to spend 6 figures to hang out with George Clooney.

I don’t think you understand what’s being argued.

I get that.

I dunno what happened to Jezebel since I got re-grayed, but it seems that right-wing apologetics have taken over and a $350,000-per-chair fundraiser—even unholy by Republican standards—is now just “how the sausage gets made”.

When Herr Trump is being inaugurated next year, because the democratic base will not turn out to vote for Wall Street’s favorite shill, I’m sure you’ll still be blaming everyone but her (Obama won Democrats but lost both Republicans and Independents and still won comfortably, something that nobody has ever done before

high priced fundraising dinners in general are bad. that’s the point. the american campaign system is disgusting.