
Before I moved, I used to run through Fort Lauderdale Beach. The people (tourists) who use them in the sidewalk are constaly speeding through and hitting people. Every run I’d go on I manage to see at least one scooter rider hit someone walking, including anchild. I’ve been hit before. I’ve also seen fights because of

Also what foods are they now eating with cooking oil

Link to test? 

Not sure if serious

I would like to see the net power usage and speed between force closing and freezing unfreezing. I need numbers people. But honestly I only force close for two reasons... 1) phone becomes slow so I force close everything. 2) too many apps frozen and I like a nice clean multitasking screen.

Does the pi4 usb ports still share common points with the power input?

Sony has only announced support for Audio Ray Tracing. Microsoft accelerated Ray Tracing support. Two completely different things. The new Nvidia 1660 can do ray tracing but the it’s the 20 series cards support hardware accelerated Ray Tracing.

I’ll bite on your reply.

It isn’t anybody’s job to explain anything. Same way I don’t have to explain people where I’m from because they my accent doesn’t match what I look like. I look at those moments to teach. It doesn’t have to be a long drawn out experience. A simple rephrasing the question to an appropriate form and then giving a simple

Every couple’s journey is different. Now, there is a time and a place to ask questions. Waiting in line is not one. However, I believe learning to answer, at most times stupid questions, can help progress that person’s point of view. I tend to rephrase their question in a proper way back to them and then continue to

I don’t particularly agree with the advice to not essentially ask questions. The point taken away is to just keep the person ignorant and just mind their business. This is a new turning point culturally with same-sex couples. The more information that can be spread for those the better overall for everybody. I think

Y comment was not aimed at the studies. Of course the studies should be done. Commenting and writing stories on the studies need to be done with context and purpose. 

Sadly pizza is not approved on any type of weight loss diet. If I do want pizza as a “cheat” or just a higher carb say where I did a heavy workout I by the grain pizza crust from trader Joe’s, low carb sauce and mozzarella. 

Funny how you think keto is for the super disciplined but eating in a caloric deficit is not.

For Garmin, I highly suggest the Forrunner 235 and the Vivoactive 3. Those two watches are relatively cheap and allow for inputs of workouts. It takes the thinking out of running. The watch will be able to tell you if your hr is too high, running too fast/slow, and when and how long to run and when to stop. 

For Garmin, I highly suggest the Forrunner 235 and the Vivoactive 3. Those two watches are relatively cheap and

Fasting is a function of calorie restriction. That's the point. It's a tool to help achieve that. 

Keto is not the only way to lose weight. It has been the way for many people who couldn't lose weight and keep it off with previous diets or protocols. 

The problem is that your vague advice offers no help at all. You may look at fasting and other diets as fads. But I can tell you that those who have lost tremendous weight have now called it a lifestyle change. They found something that works for them and they can keep it working for them. 

You enter a calorie deficit to lose weight. Once at a your goal weight you can up your calories to be at a calorie balance. Fasting is not a diet but a tool to help you live a healthy lifestyle.