
Time restricted eating (12pm-7pm) in combination with my ketogenic diet has been great. Sure at first it was easy. Guess what though, eating right is not easy. Losing weight is not easy. Sticking to an exercise routine is hard. That’s not a reason to not do something good for you. Also, don’t look at studies of of

What I’d don’t like is that the policy would be a bad PR look for dems and really does nothing for properly taxing the highest earners. Most income for those in the million dollar plus bracket actually doesn’t come from a “paycheck”. Thats why people like Mitt Romenyare able to get away with such crazy tax rates.

What a narrow outlook you have if you think the panacea of cuban or food in Miami is a Cubano.

They seem like mehhhh. The specs seem to be behind the equivalent Sony and they are already almost a year old. I hope either PQ or ergonomics make it stand out from the Sonys

It shouldn't be a required to be the default or even installed. 

This option is not for you then. Thank you.

One note does not require an office 365 account.

Seems fair. If Apple and Google don’t want Amazon video in their store at reasonable terms than why should Amazon sell their stuff. Google and Apple flex their muscles all the time to get what they want. Why can’t Amazon?

Not really. Sick to fatty meats, eggs, and dark vegetables.

I can’t say anything about whole 30. Don’t know it well enough.

Nope. That’s false. The metabolic pathway is already clearly understood with ketosis.

That’s not how it works with keto diet.

The problem is the use restrictive diet. Because restricting anything that is bad for you is a restrictive diet. A restrictive diet, in that sense is not bad for you but good for you. When the somebody casts fault on diets instead of their own issues you get people who can massively improves their health not to try

If that’s the way you live by, then by all means. Own all the unrestricted firearms, unregulated cars, etc. Live your life.

The link/metabolic pathway between medium to high carb consumption and inflammation has many peer reviewed studies backing it. So no quotations needed.

The problem doesn’t lie within the diet then.

Because you were hungry or craved carbs? If it was cause your were hungry than you weren’t eating enough. Of it was because you craved carbs... Well of course. Sugar is an addiction.

The problem with a non-restrictive diet is that it will kill you. Plain and simple. Various harmful effects come from non-reactive diets. It’s stupid. Learn what is good for you and stick to it. Learn what is bad for you and RESTRICT it.

How the hell is this not anti-consumer andanti-compeitive? I guess because it’s google it’s ok. Remember when people used to get up in arms when Microsoft pulled crap like this? Pepperidge Farm remembers.

Can you pinball website? Of so just pin