
Olympic lifting classes. I joined one, and in just two months my running and croft performance shit through the roof. I especially liked it because it is a certified coach in the specific lifts to get your form proper and starting lifting heavy!

Any word on adding Waze to Android Auto through the Phone App itself?

I’m on a high fat moderate protein low carb diet. Before my Olympic style lifting sessions eat two strawberry pop tarts. The simple sugars and carbs does two things. One quick available energy and when my insulin spikes it quickly delivers the glucose I need to my muscles.

Cortana is on the phone already. I can imagine Amazon/Microsoft bringing Samsung and maybe other smaller phone manufacturers into the fold. It’s really the only way they can truly excel.

Red Bull GRC feels left out!

Microsoft Sculpt Comfort Keyboard for life!

Awesome! Thank you!

Awesome! Thank you!

I don’t see the hub. Are you sure it’s included?

I don’t see the hub. Are you sure it’s included?

It’s hard to find it now simply because this new study is taking up all results. I thought DC rainmaker did a writeup on it.

Best take on on fitness tracker studies in one Tweet storm...

There was a study a while ago and Garmin was the most accurate out of them all, undereporting calories burned by just a few percentage points. Still trying to find that study.

They get frustrated cause they are still eating crap. Want to lose weight pay attention to what you eat now than his much you eat.

Obviously in reasonable levels. Not talking in absolute terms.

Obviously in reasonable levels. Not talking in absolute terms.

My bad... I’m really bad at seeing who I’m replying to. Lol.

Is it me too or is it a design that works?

So any childish name calling, taunting, etc is actually redirected to the original blogger. I could careless what you use as long as it works for you.

If you remember the story it was a joke and you saw the irony. If you didn’t and proceeded to furiously write out your counterargument reply then you unwittingly played a very important role. You made the point that the original blog post with its inane arguments are complete bull.

Honestly though, it was less of a joke and me of a commentary on the inane argument of the original blog post.