
The point was made. The Word post was garbage as the reactions to my comment clearly show.

I’ve only come to judge a blog.

I agree.

If only I was on a horse... let alone a high one.

It’s all I could type while on the john.

It’s not as fun when you explain it like that. 😔

Negative three internet points for me.

Ouch... Adam, Kingsford doesn’t like me.

Adam thought it was pretty f’n hot.

Interesting... Taking notes Adam?

Just ask Adam Clark Estes

My bad I thought you were replying to me

Good thing writers have higher standards...

You hear that Adam? Lol

It’s a statement not a question. Thanks for playing.

I guess it’s cause you have none to give

Context for the lost

So you’re still using Google Docs. Seems like an odd decision in the year 2017, but I didn’t come here to judge. I’m legitimately curious why some people continue to pump their time into the Google docs Suite, despite mounting evidence that the software offers shitty security and a historically terrible user

What you eat also matters for body composition as well.

Not really, what you eat matters more than how much you eat to a certain degree.