
Was there any data on what food the fasters were eating. The trend of intermittent Fasting is usually coupled with a some form of low carb high fat diet such as a Ketogenic diet. I would love to see more data on that.


I’m not saying that is the answer to price difference, but deregulation allows hotels greater flexibility in the type of properties it rent out more even competing with airbnb.

Remove the regulations then. Also only a few cities make airbnb collect taxes. Which airbnb fought tooth and nail.

I’m OK with that. Deregulated the hotels. Even playing field.

Unless I’m missing something, grandma isn’t living there. But I’m not here to argue anecdotal stories. On a whole the way Airbnb currently operates is bad.

So deregulated the hotels so they can evenly compete

Capitalism for players playing different rules.

I have no problem doing what you are doing you just have the same regulations as hotels. I’m sure the added costs and complexities might make you reconsider.

Housing supply is very constraint and does not seem to be getting any better in any future forecasts. Home prices are back in a bubble for most places. Airbnb and other such businesses artificially drive up prices. The value is not what it actually should be in the market. So I don’t have much sympathy for those whose

Airbnb takes advantage of this. Airbnb is the incentive for these kinds of purchases. Either regulate airbnb or deregulated the hotels.

That’s is and advantage airbnb has. That is OK. Just have them play by the same rules as hotels or deregulated the hotels.

I don’t disagree. Just have the same rules. Deregulated the hotel industry or regulate airbnb.

Again airbnb is a disrupted but they still need to play by the same rules.

Absolutely, since it is a short term rentals they should play by the same rules as the hotels. Even playing is all I’m saying.

It’s not a free market when they those in the market have different rules to play by. Put hotels as deregulated as airbnb or put as many regulations to airbnb as hotels have and you have a fair free market.

You just proved my point. You now have taken away inventory from somebody to call that house a home. You could have sold it, taken the cash invested and it would earn interest and you could take out monthly portions to pay for your grandmother’s care. Apparently you also have extra money from it to go traveling. Your

Airbnb is a perversion to the housing market. Homes that would have normally been for sale are no longer for sale as it is now financially rewarding to keep them as short term rentals. There are also businesses buying large swaths of properties due short term rentals. If these short term rentals are regulated as

As much as I hate it, the hotels are right. Either deregulated the hotels so they can evenly compete with airbnb or regulate airbnb as much as hotels. Both have their place in the worldbut they need to play by the same rules on the same field.