
Way to realize that I was just parroting the joke. But you know... Go you!

His basic take away is “Word - forced to use it”. I mean, if people were allowed the “privilege” to use Google Docs then the world would be a happy place. If all you need is to type words in a digital format than anything will do you just perfect. Word is a program that has its user base locked down because they need

Because it’s standard in the professional world

Was he in the wrong? Technically yes. But I’m sure if United could have a do over they would rather have the $750 million. There comes a point in time where it does set matter who is technically right or wrong because everybody will lose. So yea, United f’d up.

This becomes less about motivation and more about discipline. Motivation can come and go. Make discipline a habit and you will rely less and less on motivation.

Simply no sympathy for either person. Two assholes on a road being assholes. Both were bound to get fucked.

Well duh, they make most of their money of ads. 99% of people who use their products know that. However, the expectation for Google home and their other consumer products is that ads won’t interrupt their work flow. If got an ad on my android phone on my home screen I’d flip my lid. Same with home and putting an ad in

If you lost all sense of taste. Than yes. It’s the same.

If you lost all sense of taste. Than yes. It’s the same.

$400 for powered studio monitors with built in Bluetooth.

$400 for powered studio monitors with built in Bluetooth.

Apples and oranges

Apples and oranges

I also forgot, you can get them with a built in Phono inputs for vinyl

I also forgot, you can get them with a built in Phono inputs for vinyl

I prefer the Kanto YUx series of speakers. They are much more detailed and great lows. They also include two optical inputs and Bluetooth as well. If you need more bass , they have a sub out jack. Best of all they offer so many colors to match your decor.

I prefer the Kanto YUx series of speakers. They are much more detailed and great lows. They also include two optical

So far all benchmark show equivalent or better performance. We’ll see the 3rd party benchmarks soon.

Much cheaper for then equivalent 8 core intel chips.

Being Christian does not mean you are Catholic.

If France or England were to pull out of NATO, would it still survive? What if the US pulled out? I don’t think it could survive. We need to get to a point where f iany country pulls out NATO could not o lying survive but have minimal disruptions.

administration not association.

The real question is if this accusation would be given any attention if Gizmodo didn’t have a mini beef with Elon as it relates to his association with the Trump association.

In my opinion what the housing market needs is more supply and the reduction of perversions in the housing market. 1)Double the tax rate for additional homes you own. Home 1 reg. tax rate. Home 2 double Home 1 and Home three double of Home 2. 2)This will free up housing from many who rent their homes because its

If they drew a representation for the abortion pill I don’t see why they shouldn’t draw a representation for the other forms of abortion. Just to be complete. I love the video BTW way.