
If your livelihood or education depends on the manipulation of data or office documents why wouldn't you want to use the best?

I know people keep saying they don't use the million and one features in Office but it will be that one feature that Google docs doesn't have that makes it worth it. People don't need or use the trillion and one apps on the iPhone or Android by that is the only negative when people think about Windows Phone.

Why would you let a third party essentially own parts of your infrastructure. Either way if they get classified as Title II, I hope you like your speed and quality of service you are getting as it won't improve ever.

The ideal situation would be to eliminate cost and legal barriers for others to install their own pipes.

They would have less incentive to upgrade the infrastructure if they are classified as Title II. Title II does not mandate or regulate the performance of the infrastructure. You would only have competition on the same crappy infrastructure Comcast owns. What's the incentive for them to upgrade it? It's not like the

You want to legislate a problem that's has not happened yet. If you say yes it has and bring the Comcast example, that is an infrastructure problem. That is what Jane and Joe citizen care about.

I'm not saying I agree with what is happening. I am stating that Title II will do nothing to solve the problem. If I were the King of America I would consider the last mile in every city subject municipal rules. Any pipe under and connecting to a residential home belongs to the home owner. I would do this first to

It doesn't matter what type of data but where it comes from. Data from Netflix does travel the same pipe that data from Gizmodo travels. They all travel in separate pipes to meet with the Comcast Pipe. Now Comcast has interconnects for each of these pipes. Netflix is pushing so much data they are saturating their

The problem is where the Netflix effect takes place. Prime Time. Everybody and their mother wants to stream Netflix at this time. The interconnects (connection between the lines that Comcast owns and the lines that are outside that) can not handle that much bandwidth at a single time. Think about it like this, you

The problem "people" are about to have is Netflix and other paying for access. They are doing that now. That problem stems from an infrastructure problem.

The ideal situation would be many companies with each their own pipe and the house owner owns the pipe from node to the house. That is real competition.

They are rooted in the same problem. Lets take an example. Scenario: The Internet is regulated under Title II. You have 20 some choices of ISPs. Problem: You are watching Netflix in their new until awesome 8K stream on Comcast internet service. You pay for a 50Gb/s down and all you get is stupid buffering. You say


It all stems from infrastructure. Netflix has to pay the Comcasts of the world to improve their interconnects. Hence the "Fast Lanes".

Competition comes from Comcast renting out their pipes and interconnects. What incentive is there to fix that?

Title II does nothing for the real problem people have. Title does not fix the problem of bad infrastructure. The pipes and interconnects will still be owned by the Comcasts of the world. The market for ISPs will increase but the infrastructure carrying the service will still be crap. Netflix and Youtube streaming

"... example of the law siding with big business rather than individual privacy." What the F? Seriously. The obviously did something illegal. Marvel is going through the proper channels and you are still giving them crap. I love it now how you can just easily but the word "big" in front of anything and it is bad for

Business as usual. Damn autocorrect.

While I understand why must don't like this, this just bushes as usual. Apple consistently blocks other businesses from making consumer friendly decisions unless they get a cut. Google did a very un consumer friendly mover by removing active sync because they didn't want to pay. Different day same 💩.

And can't forget Apple's Mobile ME.