
The problem is the surface giving you a false alarm. That is a problem to fix. Don't be dick.

Also when did you start beating your wife? Stupid leading questions.

Honest question, Why did Ward get out in the middle of the race track?

Thank you! Strength training portion is a huge part I feel is missing from any triathalon traing plan.

I know how to swim but I have never swam competitively. I want to take lessons to help improve my form, efficiency, but most importantly learn to swim in a straight line. Thanks for the advice. I check out the website

Thanks for being here to answer. I want to train for a sprint triathalon. I am currently running 3 miles four days a week, bike 31 miles on Saturdays, but I have yet to start swimming. What are you recommendations on finding a good place for swimming lessons specifically for triathalons? My wife gifted me a new

Damn typing from a cell.

If having kids was bad for the Homan race were wouldn't have any.

Of course. 25GB is still larger than 15GB.

The interesting fact is that Bing is slowly becoming the default search for everything Apple. Google is left as the default search on safari due to contractual obligations. I'm sure when that is through Bing will become default.

HIs easily put the 360 as the best streaming box out there. Gaming and streaming and voice control and Skype and Onedrive!

Good lord Gizmodo! Microsoft does not own, buy, incorporate Nokia. They bought their hardware division, granted their most visible business of the company but hardly their most profitable.

There are several 1st party and 3rd party fast prime lenses available. They may not be as small or inexpensive as other but great for the prices. Also once more FE lenses start coming to market you can use those as well.

I think it is worth noting that the e-mount system is widely support with other dslr lenses through the use of relatively cheap lens adapter. Leica lenses with this beauty? YUP!

This just shows more and more that android is the windows XP of the mobile world.

Thats a good feature for Windows 8 vs Windows 7 if you frequent videos on battey.

The Onenote metro app also has inking support, nit just the desktop app.

A note on Windows RT being dead. It is not going to die. Mary Jo Fokey has it from her "sources" that will merge WP8 and RT as a single platform and bring app compatibility with it as well. It will eschew the desktop by Windows 9 (2015) and arm/atom chips will run it as the low cost option.