
agreed, or force the headlights to be under a certain height for all vehicles, you headlights shouldn’t be at eye level with other drivers on the highway. that shit is dangerous.

Science is weirdly cool.

I mean it’s lucky it’s relatively close, but really anywhere you look there’s going to be a lot of galaxies. The Hubble Ultra-Deep Field takes up the same amount of sky as a 1mm x 1mm piece of paper held at arm’s lenth. There’s estimated to be around 10,000 galaxies in this picture. They’re all much much further than

This is...weird?

Section 8, subsection 7 of the US Constitution specifically says that one of the roles of the federal government is to “establish Post Offices and Post Roads”. So the government has to provide this service, and do so in a manner that doesn’t price out average citizens.

This is why I don’t help VW owners on the side of the road.

Ferrari can fucking pay me. Also, IDGAF about Ferraris. I’ll at least take a call from Daihatsu.

Its even more impressive that these people have a good enough gag reflex to deep throat both Tesla’s and Musk’s dick like this at the same time. Seriously. Bravo. 

So not 100% incorrect, but point taken. There are a few people who need it, like people who work construction or live on top of a mountain.

The idea is that every. single. blog. post. on IO9, AVClub, et. al., spins all dissenting opinion on the quality of this particular Disney product to be “wrong” either by merit of argument or by moral character. It’s made discussing it taboo due to shoutdowns. Hell, when an article says about 3.8% of one subset (the

Full agreement.

Yeah, dismissing all criticism as “racists gonna racist” doesn’t help make a better movie next time.

“ You’ve always got someone running over proudly declaiming “But MY criticism of Star Wars is perfectly valid and legitimate because of $REASONS” in any article discussing the prevalence of toxicity in fandom.”

Thanks for the take. And it’s the internet, friend. It’s made for rambling.

holy crap! your comments perfectly surmised exactly what is going on! I’ve been a life long SW fan, as far as I know there’s never been an issue with females in charge or POC’s being part of the story. these “toxic” fans are there because it was obvious there was an agenda to this film that the fans didn’t want. they

As I said, twice now, fan toxicity is problematic. It is morally and legally wrong to viciously attack the actors of this film. I get all of that. Super. Great.

I don’t dislike the new Star Wars movies for having a social justice agenda. I think that’s great. I dislike the new Star Wars because they decided to go full-on Guardians of the Galaxy humor without the ability to be humorous. The whole “Finn’s in a leaking bag! HA!” just felt really out of place with the emotional

Scrape out of Compton, rather.

Looks more Sideways Outta Compton, but I’ll give ya a star anyway.

Straight outa Compton